"Anyway, the special chakra that you two only have will become your greatest weapon. I am sure of it." Pervy sage said. "Greatest weapon, really?" I asked. Pervy sage stretched his arms out and started stretching and pinching our cheeks. "Yes. Not using that is like wasting treasure. Look, there's no need to blindly follow the same training regiment as everyone else, right? Everyone has various strengths and weaknesses. You two have your pen style. Your training untill now involved maintaining and releasing a set amount of chakra. In other words, it was training you to control the flow of chakra so that you wouldn't use it all up once and get exhausted. You two have a lot of staminatou should use your power instead of doing cheap tricks."

Pervy sage let go of our face and crouched down again. "You two have two types of chakra and don't exhaust easily. So you should learn to release the largest amount of chakra you can, and then train yourself so you can increase the total amount of chakra you can use. Heheh. Once you do that, a whole world of jutsu will open up to you." Pervy sage added. "Seriously?" I asked holding my cheeks. "Like what could we do?" Naruto asked. "Well, for example the Summoning Jutsu I'm going to teach you two. Ah, there, yes that's perfect." Pervy sage said and looked at a frog on a rock.

"Summoning?" Naruto asked. "That's right. It is a teleport technique in which you sign a contract in blood with all kinds of living creatures and then summon them whenever you like with ninjutsu, your ninja art." Pervy sage said. Naruto and I both smiled "Oh, yeah! That sounds awesome! Teach us quick! Come on, right now. Let's get going already." Naruto yelled. "Okay, just relax. Before we begin, you're going to need to use up all your usual chakra so just your red chakra remains." Pervy sage said. "Alright! Leave it to us." Naruto yelled jumping back.

At first Naruto made 5 shadow clones. Oh, that's smart. "So, he already knows the shadow clone jutsu." Pervy sage said. "Yeah, and I have a good idea how I can use it to get rid of my normal chakra really quickly. Just watch." Naruto then made around 100 shadow clones. "Well, look at that. And I thought just one of you was trouble enough." Pervy sage said.

Naruto ran out of the crowd and in front of them "Listen up! All of us are going to have one great big battle royale. The last one left standing will be the strongest me. We're going to determine the me among me, get it?" Naruto yelled. "Yeah!" They all yelled. "Ah, now I see. That's a pretty clever idea considering he's so dumb." Pervy sage said. "All right, let's do this!" Naruto and his clones then ran at each other.

Pervy sage looked down at me "So, what will you do?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders "Maybe I'll race myself" "Yourself?" He asked. I nodded my head and made 10 shadow clones. "I guess you really will be racing yourself"

My clones and I ran away from Narutos fight so we would have room. I lined 8 clones up and had one stand to the side. I ran far ahead with another clone and placed them and made a finishing line. I set the clones there so she would be able to see who wins. "Okay. Whoever can cross the line 10 times first wins." I said infront of the lined up clones.

The clone by the starting line was about to count. I looked over at Naruto and pervy sage. Naruto had around 70 clones left and pervy sage was sitting down looking at us. "Okay. 1...! 2..!..3!" The starting line clone yelled. We all began to run back and fourth. I guess we were all the same speed because the clone at the end line looked incredibly confused.

After we all crossed the two lines twice we looked over at the clone. "Uh, uhh, I- I..I dont know" the clone stuttered out. We all slouched and sighed. "Oh! Why dont we see who can run the longest! Like who has the most stamina!" One of my clones yelled. "Oh good idea!" I yelled.


After running for about 20 minutes with our almost full speed we slowed down while half poofed away. There were only 5 of us running. It wasnt meant to be a race but it turned into that.

About 10 minutes later it was just me and one other shadow clone. I can hear Naruto yelling so I guess we're getting closer. As I ran out of the trees I saw that there were just 4 Narutos left. "Well, it looks like the finale of this battle is finally close at hand." Pervy sage said. I wobbled my way by him and flopped on the floor on my stomach and my clone poofed away. Naruto rammed right into a clone and caused it to disappear.

One of the clones tackled Narutos back. Naruto struggled a little bit but threw off the clone and right into another causing both the clones to disappear "Nicely done." Pervy sage said. Naruto was panting really loudly but gave us a peace sign. "Well, sure enough, just like I thought I'm the strongest me." Naruto said but soon fell on his knees and completely down.

Pervy sage stood up and walked over to Naruto. "It seems that at long last, you two finally used up almost all your usual chakra. Now I can finally teach you two the technique." Naruro jumped up and yelled "Yes, oh man I've been waiting for this all day." I just lifted my head and smiled considering my whole body hurt. "I couldn't tell. Alright, first I'm going to show you how it's done. Now watch carefully."

Pervy sage bit his thumb and smeared the blood on his hand. He did some hands signs and yelled "Summoning Jutsu!" He put his hand on the floor and a big poof appeared.  When the air cleared up it showed Pervy sage on a big toad. "Woah, that is totally awesome. That may be the coolest thing ever." Naruto said. The toad handed us a scroll with its tongue.

"Go ahead. Open that scroll and take a look inside. It's a contract with the Summoning toads that's been handed down from earlier generations of ninja. Just sign your name in your own blood and stamp the fingerprints of ones hand in blood beneath your signature." Naruto set the scroll down and opened it. "Find the place where you want to summon the creature. Then build up chakra and press down the hand you used on the contract. That seal is Eno, E, Tori, Tsaru, Hitsugi."

Natuto and I both bit our thumb and began writing. (Y/n) Uzumaki. I touched each of my fingers with my thumb and printed them in the scroll. "Okay, we're all done, right? What's next?" Naruto asked. "After burning off your regular chakra it should be easier to release your red chakra now. So give it a try." Pervy sage said but Naruto and I were already doing that. "Quit bugging me, I already am. Okay. Eno. E. Tori. Tsuaru. Hitsugi. Ninja Art Summoning Jutsu." Naruto and I both yelled and smacked our hands on to the floor.

I felt little winds coming from beneath my hand. After a few seconds a tiny poof appeared underneath our hands. We both moved our hands and saw a little tadpole. It flopped around on the floor and I just fell back on my back with my legs up from the disappointment from it. Pervy sages toad even croaked with a questionable look on its face. I slowly looked over at Pervy sage and saw his eye twitch.

Word count- 2104

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