67: A Cruel Reality

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At first, Katsuki kept his vision shut as he started to feel his surroundings. His fingers grazed over the cool surface of recently cleaned sheets. It felt so strange...

He could've sworn that most of the nerves in his hands were busted up and torn to shreds. His thumb grazed over his other fingers, feeling the soft little bumps of fresh scars. The soft beeping of a heart monitor sang incessantly in his ears as he shivered slightly from the cold air hovering over his body. He groaned- not because of pain, but because he felt his body hard to move from being so stiff. The intoxicating smell of rubbing alcohol filled his nose as he could hear the soft shuffling from somewhere else in the room.

His eyes slowly fluttered open to meet the surface of tiled ceiling. Katsuki was placed in his own personal hospital room as he was hooked up to multiple machines set around his bed. An iv was resting in his arm as he looked down to see his bare chest covered with a few sticker like objects that looked almost glued to his skin. He was dressed in mint green clothing as a respirator mask covered his mouth.

Katsuki felt a warm hand cover over the top of his own, pulling him out of his blurry thoughts. His attention shifted over to spot his mother sitting beside his bed. Bags hung under her eyes. His father was passed out beside her in his own leather chair. "Hey..."

His eyes squinted at her for just a moment before he started to slowly sit up. The lightheaded feeling in him made his movements somewhat wobbly. She stood up from her seat and gently grabbed his shoulder. "You shouldn't be sitting up," she sighed. "Lay down." Her soft touch left him puzzled- since she's almost never like this with him. His mother was always harsh with him, and they've always had a tough love relationship.

"W-where am I...? I thought..."

His train of thought died on the tip of his tongue as he was slowly drawing back memories before he passed out. He did what he was told, laying down until his head and back met with the warm pillows behind him. Bakugou tugged off the respirator mask, hating the feeling of the plastic resting around his face. As he was taking in his surroundings, his mother pressed a small red button next to his bed before waking up his father. The man grumbled a bit under his breath, but paused in his wake as he noticed his son laying fully conscious in his bed. When coming back into reality, he noticed a round table sitting at the corner of the room. Multiple vases filled with dying flowers and cards laid upon the surface while balloons were kept towards the ceiling. 'Get well soon' were printed on the fronts of them.

All of that was from various people in class 1-A.

Katsuki remembered seeing Karin before his eyes closed shut. He remembered the way her power completely overthrew the villainous leader as her body was practically glowing. The look in her eyes, the way her hair flowed up into the air and off her shoulders... she looked beautiful. No wait- he remembered her looking flawless and so breathtaking.

But how long was he in this forsaken place?

"Old hag... how long have I been here?"

Mitsuki stared at him with a solemn gaze. It was obvious that she'd been crying recently because her red eyes were glossed over. "It's been a week now..." It took him a moment to process exactly what she had said. He stared down at his hands and observed the scars for himself. Her thumb began to rub gently against the back of his hand as she started to stare out into space.
"A... week?"

The door to his room suddenly opened up, revealing none other than Shouto Todoroki himself. He wore a black shirt with denim jeans. His hair was disheveled and uncombed, and his complexion compared to Bakugou's mother was even worse. The bags under his eyes were heavier as his once flawless skin was paler. Over his shirt, he wore a wrinkled military green jacket that covered up the few faded bruises that from the fight.

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