65: She Cant Be Saved... Because I Am Here

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Aizawa had bruises covering his body as he was forced to the ground, out of breath. Blood ran down from the left side of his head as he had flash backs from the time that he was beaten at the U.S.J attack. His muscles were weak as his head was pounding with a painful headache. Grand Torino's unconscious body rested several feet away from him. He was knocked out cold and there was nothing that Aizawa could do about it.

They were both defeated by the damn noumus.

All Might was too busy fighting with the Leader of the Villains and so there was no help that they could grasp. Aizawa would try to wiggle himself free from the monster, cursing under his breath when he was still being pinned down. Since Torino was out, both of the creatures had effortlessly tackled him out of the fight. Canceling out their quirks did absolutely nothing.

As the number one hero was busy trying to take out his greatest enemy, the news station would record every action to the public. Thousands upon thousands of people were watching with panic. Everyone would cheer him on, but others would only fear the worst. At this point, smoke was fluttering off the heroes body as his body was slowly losing all the energy he's saved up. The earth shattering news that he received from All for One was tugging at the back of his mind, making him somewhat distracted.

Kyoki was Karin's father...

This villain was preparing an ultimate move and gazed down at him with a sinister grin. A dark aura surrounded him as he levitated into the air with ease. A combination of quirks he's stolen made his left arm grew into an enormous side before deadly spikes poked through his skin. His veins were bolded out with a black outline as his muscles pulsated with immense power. The swift of his arm was too quick for All Might to dodge. His stomach was damage as the man's fist was able to knock him into a huge pile of trash. Garbage tumbled over top of him as he struggled to get back onto his feet.

The faint vibration of All for One's phone brought his focus away from the hero for a moment while he was down. With a sigh escaping his lips, he quickly clicked open the screen and saw the desperate message of one of his followers: Kurogiri.

How interesting...

I wonder how that happened.

All Might shoved the remains of a couch off his body while dusting himself off hastily from the trash. He bared his teeth when he noticed the villain putting his phone away. The smoke fluttering off of his suit was growing immensely as he clutched his fingers tightly. His knuckles were turning white with rage. "YOU'RE ON YOUR PHONE?!?"

All for One only sighed halfheartedly as his smile returned once more. He instantly noticed the subtle tremor in the heroes body, as if he was struggling to even put up a fighting stance.

He wouldn't be able to take another hit.

This should be fun...

"You know, All Might, I must say I'm impressed that you're still managing to keep yourself together after so long. It's no lie that your body's about to give out, right?" All Might felt his heart speed up as he instantly forced his legs to dash towards him. The fear of letting his body give out for the world to see hit him like a truck. He launched himself in the air, barely missing All for One as he was still floating high within the air.

"Oh come on, I'm just having a little fun. Besides, what kind of hero would you be to not help your fellow comrades in pain." His hand shifted towards Shouta Aizawa as he was still pinned down by the noumus. His strength was outmatched as he was still desperately trying to fight them off. All Might stiffened at the sight before immediately dashing over to aid him and Torino. The villain chuckled under his breath, watching him trying to save what's left of his team.

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