46: Not Friends, We Were "Brothers"

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The smell of cigarette smoke and sake filled the small dark room while another stream of light was from the opposite side of the door. The place was a mess as a few t shirts and jeans were strewn about. But of course, this room was entirely new to Dabi anyways.

Ever since the Ryo incident, Shigaraki brought everyone to a the abandoned meat factory in the far outskirts of town. It closed down in the mid 1900's, so it was a perfect place to set up shop. Many of the offices were turned into makeshift bedrooms for the villains while many of the members pitched in to keep the place clean.

But out of everyone, Dabi became less and less talkative. He always locked himself in his room, forcing himself to get drunk so his lingering thoughts would disperse from his tortured mind. The pain from his missing finger gradually subsided, but it still ached whenever it was touched or moved. His ring finger was completely gone on his left dominant hand. The stub from where it was shot off had bandaids over the stitching.

He'd never be able to take that back.

Not only that, but he was still trying to adjust with his new life of being a villain. He already took up the disguise as Dabi, and then he spoiled it all by committing to a life of crime. At the moment, he lounged around on his bed while his body was completely sprawled out upon the covers. His depression was getting the better of him and everything that happened from that day was slowly sinking in little by little..

Then there was a knock at his door. A growl escaped from his throat as he decided not to even open it. Dabi rolled over onto his side, ignoring the incessant noise from the other side. "Dabi.... come on out! Please? Stop being a bum!" Jins voice was that he needed to make his heartbeat sped up.

All this time, he had a connection to him and he didn't even know it. He wanted to know more about Jin, but he didn't have the time to. "Dabi... please... I need someone to talk to... you're the only one that knows what I'm possibly going through..."

The solemn tone of his one personality finally came through on its own. He leaned against Dabis door before sliding down to sit on the cold floor. He was already tired and weak from crying earlier, and it was no use to cover up his pain any longer. He missed Ryo... and in many ways, he was like a 'brother' to him. It was just a shame that he had to be this way again.

Dabi sighed before finding the strength to pull himself up onto his feet. The alcohol was already kicking deep into his system, making the smell cover him completely. That was the first thing Jin sensed when he opened the door. "You don't know me," he spat. The man looked up at him with his mask and suit still on. His hands shook uncontrollably and his gaze dropped slightly as he felt his emotions get the better of him.

"You knew Ryo didn't you?" His voice was about to break and Dabi could only stare at him with widened eyes. This is tearing him apart more than it is me...

"No. I just thought he was dead this entire time. Karin Kirishima was like a sister to me when I took her in as a child... her entire family thought he was dead. I... don't know how or why he's alive." He crossed his arms over his chest while bending down to his eye level. The villain needed answers. "Tell me what you know about him."


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