42: Its My Way Or The Highway

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Katsuki couldn't keep himself asleep throughout the night. Many times he woke up again to find Karin still having her heavy arms around his torso, and think as to how he got himself there in the first place. He'd keep his arms around her protectively and think of the response she gave to him earlier about her feeling towards him. He was so desperate to be better than Todoroki- to outshine the rest and to be at the very top. He cared about her deeply, but yet the answer she gave burned at the back of his throat. Part of him was still jealous..

Bakugou often found her tossing and turning at night as she was either too hot or uncomfortable for too long. He wasn't that annoyed other than the fact that she kept facing away from him. In a way, it was sort of cute. She mumbled often and was a bit of a kicker as well. He rolled his eyes from all the moving around, but it could've been worse.

It was early morning. The moonlight still spilt in through the curtains of the window, illuminating them both in white light. He was surprised as to how her family didn't realize that he was in there still. The slight bags under her eyes was a sign of her stress, and he was glad that he was able to come... even when he still felt lost. As the minutes went by, she started to stir more in her sleep. A yawn came from her lips while he made a tsk sound with his teeth. "You move too much," he sighed.

She stretched her arms over her head before sticking her tongue out at Bakugou. "Don't judge me! I'm a bed potato!"

"A what!?"

Soon she kicked him off the bed using her foot. He tumbled to the floor as the blanket was stolen from him. "Ooo you are so in for it," he grinned wickedly. Karin rolled herself into a burrito with her favorite blanket and narrowed her yellow eyes at him. "Mhm. Yeah right," she giggled.

Bakugou bolted up into his feet before grabbing the pillow swiftly. It wasn't long before he smacked her upside the head with the cushioned object. She held back a laugh since her family was asleep. She had the chance to strike again, so she rolled towards the other side of the bed and grabbed her other pillow. She was fast on her feet, and she bolted towards him before smacking him with the pillow as revenge.

It may have gotten out of hand..

They were whisper yelling to each other while the pillow fight was kicked up a notch. Karin smacked him again with her "weapon" and tackled him into the floor with quiet giggles.
"Shh! Katsu, you're gonna get us both in trouble for being up so early," she chuckled. He rolled his eyes and realized the predicament they both found themselves in. Karin was completely straddling him with a pillow in her grasp while he laid on the floor under her weight. Her eyes widened instantly while her irises shared its gold hue.
"Heh... you idiot."

"I-I am not!" She instantly got off him while her face blossomed with a dark shade of red. "What time is it?"

"Hell if I know... maybe two or three." Karin frowned slightly and looked over to her nightstand. It's been months since she's had her phone now, since it was destroyed when she was last staying with Dabi. Maybe if she still had one, she'd try to contact him again. In that moment, she could vaguely remember all of the numbers, but it wasn't enough. The first three were easy, but not the last four..

"Karin?" Katsuki was now sitting on his knees while the pillow was off to the side. She held her pillow close to her chest, smiling solemnly with her blue eyes deceiving the mask she wore.
"I'm fine..."

"Shut up. You're not." He reached over to rest the palm of his hand gently upon her shoulder, slowly drawing her in for a hug. He hated this much contact from others, but this was his only exception. She buried her face into his shoulder before holding him tightly for comfort. He's so warm...
"What if... it's too late, Katsu?"

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