64: You Thought You Could Escape?

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"Okay okay, Twice, I need a distraction. You already had the measurements for Katsuki, so now I need you to make him up again." Ryo and the kids were quietly sneaking through the hallways as the lights above them would flicker in and out of the facility. Twice's excitement kept fluttering through his chest as he stayed close to Ryo while leading the group. Every footstep that each of the boys made had to be made with caution as they desperately tried to keep quiet.

Karin stayed awake despite feeling drowsy from the illness that was overtaking her body. She'd lean against Shouto for support while glancing at Katsuki every few minutes. Seeing his body crippled and abused made her stomach and chest twist into painful bursts. Her mind ran circles as she tried to wrap her thoughts around everything that was going on. To prevent herself from crying anymore than what she had done, she would bury her face into Shouto's chest.

"O-oh right," Jin whispered. He fidgeted with his body suit before pausing in his steps. So far, the coast was clear for any villains, but there was still no way to tell how much time they had left. He took a quick glance at Katsuki's limp figure before clenching his jaw. Okay... 172 cm....

Ash blonde hair with crimson eye color....

It took a moment, but soon flutters of his quirk started to rise up in front of him. Small atoms turning into molecules before turning into compounds and clumps. Mud started to form as it's shape skyrocketed into a solid figure. Katsuki's shape and size was apparent before the color of his body features cascaded over the clone. "It's going to react and respond to people like how he used to before..."- well you know- "so just tell him where to go and he'll start mayhem."

Midoriya's expression faltered as the clone stood before him. 'Bakugou's' fierce resting scowl was clear as the clone remained still and dead silent. It was voice activated, and so the green haired boy stepped forward before inhaling a breath. "'Kacchan...?'"

The figure snapped its head up as it glared at Deku before glancing at the others. It observed them closely before it almost seemed to have recognized them in a way. As if there were false memories stuck in the creations head. "What the hell do you want, Deku?" It's growl had the same tone and sound as Katsuki's real voice, and for a moment, Midoriya was impressed. If he didn't know any better, he might've believed that it was actually him.

But we don't have time for this...

Izuku straightened his posture and pointed down the hallway from where they all came from. "There's villains down there and the pro heroes won't be here fast enough. We need you"-

"Oi! Don't boss me around you little shit! I got this all by myself so you stay away from me!!" The clone clenched it's fists while dashing down the hallway with its footsteps echoing off the walls. Twice sighed with relief and grabbed Ryo by the wrist.
"This way. He's already been too loud so we must keep moving," he whispered.

They group quietly sped down the hallway. Kirishima held the real Katsuki in his arms, already feeling out of breath from being so tired. Katsuki would stir more and more in his sleep, letting him know that he wouldn't be out for too much longer. The ash blonde groaned from the pain, making Eijirou even more worried. "It's okay bud, we'll get ya out of here. Don't worry."

Shouto kept up his temperature for Karin while peeking down at her to make sure that she was still awake. He prayed that she couldn't hear the sound of his heart beat frantically thumping against his chest. But knowing her, that was probably just wishful thinking. She would rub circles on his back weakly, trying to soothe away his thoughts when it obviously should've been the other way around. Hopefully we're not too far from an exit.

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