39: The Stalking

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Sorry. I'm a piece of shit lol and I haven't been writing because I haven't had the drive to do anything lately. I promise though that I've been planning more for this book though. And I still can't believe that y'all like my writing 😨

 And I still can't believe that y'all like my writing 😨

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Yay or nay for the cover idea? Please let me know

"Breaking news today folks as it was reported that the Second Best Hero, Endeavor, was arrested last night. Officers stormed into his home and found him and his family in a state of shock as he was caught in the act of domestic violence. Neighbors reported screaming and crashing noises from his home. His son, Shouto Todoroki was left with bruises and cuts all over his body while his family tried to fight against it.

A young woman named Karin Kirishima ended up saving the family from this horrific tragedy as she was the first one to arrive at the scene. Her unknown quirk use ended up making Endeavor back off from the fight without harming anyone personally. It's unclear for what charges will be put against him or what the conditions of his family will be in next, but we'll reveal the continuation once more when information is put out."

Bakugo clicked the power button of Recovery Girls television.

Him and Midoriya were wide awake when they heard about the news, and they were left in shock. Izuku knew of Shouto's hardships, but he never suspected that it'd go that far. Bakugou on the other hand was furious. It wasn't just jealousy, but also pure hatred of himself for letting himself get destroyed during the finals. He could've been there to help Karin fight Aizawa, and he would've been able to take down Endeavor. He....

Would've been the one to impress her...

He grit his teeth together and narrowed his eyes down to the floor. Why.. why did his have to happen? Why is there always something to do with him??

"Kacchan?" Izuku dared to tap his shoulder lightly, making the ash blonde stiffen.

"What the fuck do you want?!"

Izuku could only stare up at him with fear while a heavy silence lingered in the air. Bakugous rage was spilling out in front of him. It was worse than how he was in the final- it was one of the worst moods he's seen him in for a long while. Deep down, he knew that Bakugou liked Karin... and after what she told him from that several nights ago, he could understand the reasoning as to why she interfered with Shouto's situation.

Kacchan liked her.. and there was no way that he was going to let Todoroki steal the number one spot to Karin's affection.


"Those that passed their Final Exams get to participate in the summer camp along with the ones that failed. That was just another deception to make you put in all of your efforts for your battles." Aoyama was sitting in his seat reading when Aizawa gave the news. Finals were finally over so everyone was relieved whether they passed or not.

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