"That means with these circumstances there's no way half the teams will pass the test." Neji said. "With the days getting longer longer, the nights are getting shorter. So we will have less time to sleep and less time to recover. It is a challenge indeed." Lee added. "Completely surrounded by enemies, there won't be time to rest. We'll have to keep a constant watch." Sasuke said. "Right. This test also measures endurance behind enemy lines. This is designed to be a grueling test, and I'm sure some of you won't be up to the challenge." Anko said.

"So um, let's say mid exam- can we quit?" Shikamaru asked racing his hand. Anko looks over at him and says "Of course, not. In the middle of a battle, you can't say, 'Sorry, I quit.' Well, I guess you could, but its probably going to get you killed." She laughed a bit. "Oh, just great. This is going to be a drag." Shikamaru said sighing.

"There are also some ways you can get disqualified. The first is simple- all three members of a team can't make it to the tower with both scrolls after five days. Number two- if a team loses member or a member becomes incapacitated and connot continue. But most important, none of you- absolutely none of you- may look at the contents of the scrolls until you've reached the tower." Anko said.

"W-what if it just happens to flap open and you read it?" Naruto asked. "Let me put it to you this way, young man, you. dont. want. to. know." Anko said pausing between words. "Naa!" Naruto sighed out. "There are times when a ninja will be asked to carry secret documents. The scroll rule is to test your integrity. Okay, we're done. Each team, take your consent forms and exchange them over there for your scrolls. After that, each team pick a gate, and you'll be let inside." Anko sighed "Oh, and I have one more word of advice- just don't die!"

Sasuke sat against the rock while I sat on top of it. We watched as ninjas covered the booth where the gave out the scrolls. I see how it is, they hide which team has which scroll. Stealing information is really a matter of life and death. Just like what Ibiki said. Every one here is just as determined to pass and everyone is an enemy. I looked back down at the paper and began to read it again.

"Alright, everyone. We're going to start handing out scrolls." When we got in the booth, Naruto handed them our paper work. They handed Naruto a Heaven scroll.

When we were all standing around. Anko looked up from her watch and said "Listen up. All the teams have received their scroll, so everybody go to your gate and wait there. When the gates open, the test is on!"

We were standing in front of gate 12 waiting for the gates to open. Naruto was yelling "Believe it! I dare you to being it on, ninja. I'll just send it right back- twice as hard!" Heh. Yep, that's right.

The guard that was in front of our gate unlocked the lock and chain around the gate, letting it hit the floor. After some more time I hear Anko yell "All right, heads up, you maggots! The second part of the test has begun!" The gates swing open and we walked in. "Hehehe. Well, alright! Here we go, guys!

As we were walking we heard someone scream. We all turned our heads in the direction it came from. "That sounded sound like someone screaming" Sakura said. We looked up to a whole bunch of birds flying away from the trees. I shuffled closer to Naruto and said "I do not like this place." "Oh, come on. It's nothing to be scared of. Its gonna be a piece of cake." Naruto said. He went quiet for a little bit but said "Excuse me a second, I've really got to you know-" he waddled to the tree right next to us. I was shocked and Sakura ran over to him. "Yeah, right!" She punched him in the head and yelled "Get out if here! What is this, a kennel? Not in front of me and (Y/n) you don't! Find a bush or something!"

While Naruto was peeing he was making...weird noises. He came out of the bushes saying "Aw man, that was a lot. I wrote my whole name." "You are such a pig! You're really disgusting sometimes, you know that?" Sakura yelled. I widened my eyes realizing it. Sasuke and I kicked 'Naruto' back into the tree. Heh, so we both noticed. "Guys, it wasn't that bad. Don't you think you're going a little overboard?" Sakura said. "Yeah, what the heck was that all about?" 'Naruto' said. I ran forward and kicked him in the face. Sasuke ran after him and tried to kick him while he was turned around. 'Naruto' jumped up in the tree dodging it. Sasuke jumped on the tree and kicked Naruto off. I was waiting for him on the ground and just when he was about to hit the ground. I punched down on his back causing him to hit the floor harder. Sasuke jumped back down and I jumped back next to him. "You'd better watch out, Sakura, I think they've gone crazy!" 'Naruto' struggled to say.

"Yeah, you wish. I just struck before you could." Sasuke grabbed out his kunai and ran forward. "Sasuke, no!" Sakura yelled. I cant continue this. I can't fight him because he looks like Naruto even though I know it's not him, I just feel like I'm fighting him. "Alright, then- bring it on!" 'Naruto' and Sasuke started striking at each other. 'Naruto' jumped back and Sakura asked "Sasuke, what are you doing?" "Take a good look at him." Sasuke said. "That isn't my brother" I said grabbing my kunai. "Talk! What have you done with my brother?" I asked gripping my kunai harder. Sakura gasped in confusion.

"What- what do you mean? I am your brother!" 'Naruto' yelled. "Then Where's the cut on your cheek?" Sasuke asked. 'Naruto' gasped and Sasuke continued on with "I guess you didn't know the real Naruto got a cut on his face before this test. You also have shuriken holster on your left leg, not your right. But the real Naruto is right-handed. Your transportation skill is worse than Naruto's. Tell me who you are!" Sasuke yelled.

'Naruto' poofed into someone from the Rain Village. "All right, you got me. So what? I'm still going to take your scroll. Now hand it over, or else."  All three of us had our kunais ready. "So, which one of you has it?" He looked at us closely but we didnt give him a reaction. "Hmph. Fine then, I guess I'll just have to take you both out!" He started running at us with his kunai.

Word count: 1950

(Y/N) UzumakiWhere stories live. Discover now