The Restaurant Incident

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Going to a restaurant with Steve and Matt was an experience that no one ever enjoyed. Well, that isn't quite accurate. It's an experience that you enjoyed immensely up until the check came.

Now, most people would do something simple, like split the bill. However, Matt and Steve were so incredibly stubborn that they both tried to pay the bill every time. Every single time, Steve managed to pay the bill first.

On this particular day, Matt, Jerome, Steve, Dropsy and Erica went out for lunch in a local pizza shop. Everyone was having a great time, and piece by piece the pizza disappeared. As Erica grabbed the last piece from Jerome's plate, Matt leaned over to Jerome.

"Hey, would you be willing you grab the check for me? I really need to beat Steve, dude," he whispered.

Jerome sighed. "Do I have to, man?" Matt nodded vigorously. Jerome shook his head and stood up from the booth.

"I gotta go poop guys, I'll be right back," he said as he walked away from the booth.

Jerome didn't make it five feet towards the counter, which was a completely different way from the bathroom before Steve let out a "Hey! Where do you think you're going?!" and Jerome was tackled to the ground by Steve's lanky body.

Jerome let out a yelp as they both hit the hard tile floor. "Dude! What was that for?!"

Steve got up off of Jerome's back and shrugged. "You were going to get the check before me. I couldn't let that happen, Jerome."

Steve ended up paying the check, and unfortunately for Jerome this wouldn't be the last time he would be tackled by Steve.

yeah uh hi? im not dead which is good

school starts tomorrow, ive had extreme writers block/no motivation over the summer (along with being gone for 2 weeks) so i havent written much

sorry this isnt that great, i just spent all afternoon working on/finishing summer homework i shouldve done a long time ago, at least i did all the math a few weeks ago, and im just not good at telling secondhand stories (replace matt and steve w/ my grandfather and great grandfather, erica with my moms family, and jerome with my mom as a child (yes my great grandfather tackled my mother when she was a child, he was apparently... very interesting and stubborn, to say the least))

yeah i procrastinate too much

idk how active im going to be this schoolyear, ive signed up for a whole host of honors classes, along with having fun w/ online friends and mock trial starting in the fall (about october time) im going to have limited time to write

believe me, i still watch jerome quite a bit and still enjoy his content i just have.. no ideas

also: if you wanna smile go look at steve's thumbnails, theyre just.. something else

yeah this has been longer than the actual writing thing oops, im gonna end it here

have a good day friends

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