Radio Silence (Steve-Centric)

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Radio silence.

Steve hadn't heard from anyone in a week.

The discord was going crazy, coming up with wild theories of why everyone had simply disappeared off of the face of the Earth. Everyone but Steve.

The mods were trying their best to quell the rumors, but as time went on they gave up.

Radio silence.

Steve hadn't heard from anyone in a month.

The media was going crazy, both on and offline about the group of people in their late teens and early 20's that had just poofed out of existence.

No one had seen them for a month.

Radio silence.

Steve hadn't heard from anyone in a year.

Most of the fans had given up, leaving the once thriving channels deserted. The discord was quiet and mostly empty, a few fans hanging around purely because they had friends and memories related to it.

Steve missed them.

Radio silence.

Steve hadn't heard from anyone in ten years.

Until he got a call.


"Hello, is this Steven Libby?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I have a voice recording of one Jerome Aceti, along with several others. It was found recently addressed to you. It seems to be about 3 years old. Their bodies were found next to it, in a basement along with several others addressed to various family members. The recording should tell you the rest. The audio file has been emailed to you. Have a good day, Mr. Libby."

"Bye." Steve said, shocked and amazed. He opened his email and clicked on the audio file.

Jerome's voice, older sounding, started speaking. "Hey Stevealicous Fresh, it's been a quick minute, hasn't it? 7 years, I think. Probably later when you're hearing this. Maybe you have some little Steves or Kats running around. Anyway, I'm getting off topic. We were kidnapped, by whom we don't know, even after all this time. They dumped us in the middle of nowhere and there's no way we're getting back. We had these tape recorders in the little house we got dumped in. We probably won't last more than a year here, so everyone is recording a message to their friends, family, whoever. Everyone is helping make this one, though. I just got drawn first. So... my final message to you? I guess it would be that, getting back to earlier, if you did have kids they'd have a pretty amazing dad. You're the best, dude."

A bit of shuffling was heard, then a click with some brief silence. Steve was stunned, everything running through his head, but before he could properly process it, Andrew's voice rang through. "Hey Steve, what's up? Been a while. Hope you're doing well, and all that. I guess my last message to you would be keep doing whatever it is that you're doing, because I know you'll be amazing at it, whatever it is. I wish you the best in life, and don't miss me too much, yeah?"

Austin's voice came through next. "Hey buddy! How have you been? I hope well... My last message to you... hm... you're such a nice person, don't lose that, okay? Keep being amazing, and make sure Maia is okay for me? I know her and Kat would be great friends.... anyway, I have to go record Maia's tape... Bye. How do I turn this thing off... aha!"

Dasha and Alex recorded together, coming next. "Hey Steve! Oh goodness.... how do I even start something like this? Alex, you do it."

A bit of shuffling and Alex was talking. "Hey Steve, I hope you haven't been too lonely without us. Our final message to you would probably be that you shouldn't mourn us. We died together, on our own terms, not by the random guy that kidnapped us. We've come to terms with it, and so should you. Keep being a kind and helpful person. Bye, dude." Dasha chimed in with a goodbye as well before the recording cut off.

The last person to speak was Ben. "Oh god... What's up, Steve? How's life been treating you? How's Jess been? I... I kinda miss you, dude. You're my brother, of course I miss you.... I don't even know what to say, I've recorded mine so long after everyone else, Dasha and Alex are gone, got stuck in a snowstorm together. Austin and Andrew are never apart anymore, scared of being alone. Jerome and I have been trying to keep them alive, but we all know we can't last too much longer. We've been here for two years, Steve. Ron tried to leave the second we got here, but he never came back. We don't know what happened to him.... I'm getting off track. Take care of Jess, she'll need you. You're the best brother anyone could ask for, never forget that. Follow your dreams, and be the best Steve you could be, okay? And don't forget about us. Bye, Steve."

Steve didn't know what to do. The recording ended there. Without realizing it, tears were streaming down his face. His friends... wow. He didn't know how to react. He didn't know what to do. He slowly stood up and went to bed.

The next day, Steve opened a new tab and typed in a link that still autocompleted. The Discord page popped up, and he clicked on the Announcements channel, slowly typing in a message.

@everyone What's up, long time no see. I wonder how many people are actually getting this message now.. Anyway, yesterday I got a call from a police station, who sent me an audio file. It was from the other NP guys. They were recording their last messages to me and their families. Long story short, they're gone. It's kinda hard to believe...

Not knowing what else to say, Steve posted the message.

It took a few days, but several thousand messages rolled in, offering condolences and expressing shock and joy at hearing about the guys.

It was good to have closure.

just under 1k words, the ending is bleh but oh well

see you guys later ❤️

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