Ryan's Halloween Joke

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There is this man. He is a perfectly ordinary man, with a 9-5 job. Every night, his route home takes him past a graveyard. This night, when he was walking past the graveyard, he hears this thud.... thud..... When he turns around to find the source of the noise, however, he sees nothing that could have caused this noise. He turns back around and continues on his way. Then, the sound gets louder. THud... THud... THud...

The man turns around again and there is this ancient-looking wooden casket about 20 feet away that is covered in dirt and grass. It must of come from the graveyard. The man stares at the casket for a minute, and then continued on his way. Thud... thud.... He turns around, and sees that the casket is now a few feet closer. The man starts walking faster, and the sound also speeds up. Thud, thud, thud. The man checks over his shoulder, and the casket is right behind him. He screams and starts bolting to his house. Like before, the sound speeds up with him. Thudthudthudthudthud.

The man runs into his house and slams the the door, but the casket bursts through the door. The man, terrified for his life, runs up the stairs to his bathroom.  THUDTHUDTHUDTHUDTHUD. He locks the door, and the casket is banging on the door. BOOMBOOMBOOMBOOM. The man is lost, what does he do? In a moment of panic, he takes a plunger and throws it through the weak door. The plunger goes through the door and bounces off the door.

The man is ready to give up, what can he do? As a last ditch effort, he reaches into the cupboard above the sink and he grabs some cold medicine and throws it, and the coughin stops.

so it's not the exact same wording but more or less this is the wonderful Tewtiy joke. it starts at 24:46 in the video above.

happy Halloween :D

bye from 2018 Katie (:

hi this is exactly one year later 2019 katie

im not dead apparently

completely forgot about this until after halloween but oh well

life sorta sucks but what can you do

bye, guess im disappearing for another couple months

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