Card (Alex) (Writingmas Day 3)

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"A Christmas card arrives in the mail fifty years after it was sent."

Alex popped his mailbox open at his childhood home. He'd gone back for Christmas this year, and was given the task to get the mail from the mailbox. Alex reached in and grabbed the stack of envelopes jogged back inside, trying to avoid the frigid air.

Alex set the stack on the counter and started sorting through the mail, tossing out any junk he could find. As he rifled through the mail, he came upon a yellowed envelope, written in neat cursive. It was to his address, but it looked like it was to his grandmother, but before she married his grandfather.

Alex shrugged and opened the envelope. Inside was an equally neared written letter, dated 12/2/68. It was to Alex's grandmother, from his grandfather. Alex didn't read the letter, as his mother would probably want to read it. Alex left it on her bedside table and went to his room to read.

this is bad, sorry. I'm tired and stressed over friend drama but I wanted to write something

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