Bird Issues (Slight Ausdrew)

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The first thing that Andrew heard was screaming. Lots of screaming. "What on earth...?" Andrew muttered, cautiously walking out into the office. He made his way through the halls until he got to the source of the screaming.

Jerome and Austin were huddled under a table, screaming. Ron, Kyle, and Mitch were on top of a different table, holding cages and brooms, waving them around.

JP was reading in the corner calmly.

They were in the big room, with all the empty cubicles, so Andrew couldn't see why everyone was freaking out.

He stepped into the room, and immediately ducked as a bird swooped down at him. He dived under the table where Austin, Jerome, and Cookie were crouching with a shriek. "H-hey guys." Andrew said shakily.

Austin wrapped his arms around Andrew and curled up to him. Andrew was slightly unsure of what to do, but hugged Austin back anyway.

A victory cry was heard above the table. Mitch held his cage which sported a small brown bird. "You guys wanna come with me to set this dude free outside?" Mitch asked. Everyone made some noise of agreement but Andrew and Austin. Everyone else exited the room, making their way to the door.

A few minutes passed. Andrew figured they should probably get back to the hotel they were staying at. He stood up and held out his hand to Austin. "Want to head back to the hotel?" he asked. Austin nodded and accepted the hand.

The taxi ride back was short and quiet.

The walk up to their room was quiet.

But as they cuddled close under the covers, no words needed to be said.

once again, iffy on the ending but ehh

all I have prewritten for this book is Ausdrew... whoops

Hope you guys had an amazing and if not, hope tomorrow is better!!

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