Ben's Cookies (Ben-Centric)

60 9 1
                             where I stole this from

Ben swung the train station door open, glancing at the time as he walked. He was a half hour early? Ben could've sworn that it took longer to get to the station.. oh well. He'd just grab some coffee and a snack and hang around for a bit.

Ben grabbed a cup of coffee and a pathetically empty packet of cookies and sat down at a nearby table, all the rest full, snagging a newspaper to do the crossword out if pure boredom. A man sat down across from him, wearing a collared shirt and khakis. Overall, very normal looking.

As Ben scrolled through Twitter on his phone, the man suddenly reached over and opened Ben's packet of cookies and took one out. Ben carefully kept a stoic expression as surprise coursed through his brain.

Ben waited for a second, pondering on what to do. Now, Ben wasn't one for confrontations, so he wasn't going to outright talk to him. Instead, he was going to just eat the cookies. He reached over and grabbed a cookie from the packet.

This pattern continued, the man taking one and Ben taking one. The bag was quickly empty, and the man stood up and left. Ben's train quickly arrived, and he stood up, accidentally brushing the newspaper off the table along with something else. Ben leaned down and picked it up.

It was his packet of cookies.

this was bad rip

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