Dangerous Waters (Blackshore)

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<Ryan's POV>

"I think I had a vision."

Kyle suddenly spoke, breaking the silence between us.

"Yeah? What was it?" I asked curiously.

"I saw the future. You know what I saw myself doing?"


"Killing Mitch. I'm going to kill Mitch." Kyle readjusted his grip on the bar, his feet swinging slightly over the trash can of freezing ice water.

"Kill Mitch... Yeah, I could get behind that." I said, also readjusting my grip over my own tub of ice water.

~1 hour earlier~

I brushed my wet hair from my face as Mitch situated the second vat in its place, and started counting down as Kyle and I grabbed onto the bar, ready to jump up. "3, 2, 1, and the time begins now! Whoever gives up first has to stand in the trash can for 10 minutes! Have fun, boyos!"

"Wait, where are you going?!" Kyle called out.

"To go inside. I'm not not sitting out here for who knows how long while you guys just swing there. I have things to do!"

Kyle and I watched in slight dismay as Mitch disappeared to go do who knows what.

The night was cool; Mitch had picked one of the coolest nights of October to do this challenge, which I had a feeling was on purpose.

A half hour in, and my arms were burning.

An hour and some odd minutes in Kyle turned to me again.

"I'll drop down first." He offered.

"You don't need to do that, dude." I declined.

"You're literally shaking, Tewtiy." I became aware of the goosebumps covering my skin, the deep chill in my bones, and my numb hands. I nodded hesitantly, and Kyle dropped into the trash can, gasping loudly from the shock. After a minute, he glanced around, looking for Mitch, before tipping over the trash can and climbing out.

Kyle grabbed my trash can and dumped it into the pool, allowing me to let go of the bar. I was shivering violently.

Man, did I regret taking that shower earlier.

Kyle led me through Mitch's house, past Mitch -who was asleep surrounded by some lightly smoking cookies- and to his car. He moved a few things around before pulling out a jacket and handing it to me. I wrapped it tightly around myself as Kyle drove me to his apartment, it being closer than my house.

We got out of the car and entered Kyle's apartment. He grabbed a bunch of random blankets and gave them to me, and I curled up on his couch, and fell asleep.

~The Next Morning~

<3rd Person POV>

Mitch groaned as he woke up. His neck was killing him. He lifted his head up and looked around, taking note of the wet footprints, and burnt cookies. But Mitch had a nagging feeling he was forgetting something...

"Oh, crap." He rushed outside to find a dead camera, two tipped over trash cans, and no Tewtiy or Kyle.

After a certain point this started writing itself, and this is what I ended with.

I don't even know what I just wrote... Ryle/Kyan friendship times?

I'm just gonna go, so see you guys next time!

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