Sleep (Ausdrew)

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Andrew leaned his head against the keyboard, sighing quietly. He'd had motivation earlier, but now the words just wouldn't flow. As he tried to think of what he could add to the book, he felt his eyes closing in exhaustion. Andrew had been working incredibly hard to pay this month's bill, the side jobs not paying as well. He slowly drifted off to sleep, not caring he was on his keyboard.


Andrew slowly blinked his eyes as he sat up. He was in his bed, carefully tucked in. He glanced at the time. 6:30pm, read the clock. When had he gone to bed? Andrew walked over to his computer and checked his last saved draft. 4:29am.

Continuing on that train of thought, how has he gotten from the desk to his bed? That's when Andrew noticed the note next to his bed. It read 'Don't worry about streams, you got the late slot. Hope you slept well. -Austin xx

Andrew smiled. So it had been Austin. That boy was honestly so sweet. He was glad he was visiting this week.

Andrew got out of bed and started wandering around the apartment, holding a blanket around his body. He eventually wandered into the room Austin was staying in, and where Austin was sitting, in the middle of a stream. He grabbed a chair, pulled it next to Austin, and leaned his head on his shoulder, dozing off.

Meanwhile, Austin was uncertain on what to do. He decided to continue playing normally, not moving his arm to not wake Andrew. Towards the end of the stream, Andrew curled closer to Austin, clinging onto him. Austin's cheeks turned a faint pink, and he quickly took out the stream.

Now he was faced with a decision. Wake Andrew up and be faced with grumpy Andrew, or stay there until Andrew woke up?

He quickly grabbed his phone from next to him and snapped a photo of him and Andrew, captioning it "What do I do? Please send help"

Andrew slowly shifted awake, groaning. "Mm... where am I?"

Austin smiled. "You walked in here in the middle of my stream, sat yourself down, and fell asleep on my shoulder."

Andrew stood up, stretching. "I'm hungry, I'm going to order pizza. Want some?"

Austin grinned. "I'd love some, thanks."

endings are just not my thing today (I've finished like 3 oneshots today) and the endings are all awkward and ick

but eh

also, I'm sorry for the mass amounts of Ausdrew I've been dumping in here, I promise the next oneshot isn't Ausdrew!!

Hope you guys had an amazing day, and if not that tomorrow will be amazing!

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