Invisible (Tewrome)

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I groaned as I walked into the office. I'd had trouble falling asleep and by the time I had, I'd only got an hour or so of sleep.

"Hey Kyle, what's up?" Kyle didn't look from his phone, probably too engrossed on whatever was on there. I continued on my way to the office, greeting several other people, but everyone was too concentrated on what they were doing.

As I opened the door to my office, I glanced at my reflection, and did a double take. I looked again before coming to the conclusion that I wasn't imagining things. My reflection wasn't there. I darted inside and shut the door quickly. Okay. Deep breaths. Deep breaths.

Calming down slightly, my mind began realizing all the fun I could have with this....

<Several Hours Later...>

I smirked at the state of the office. Pink streamers covered all the computers and work stations. The offices were covered in wrapping paper, to various degrees. After all, I only had an hour or two. Why we even had this stuff was beyond me.

The door opened and Kyle strutted in, with Jerome and some of the others. I giggled as their expressions slowly turned into those of shock, disbelief, and confusion. "What... What even? Who did this? We were all at lunch today!"

As more shouts of confusion and surprise echoed through the office, I snickered to myself. This was amazing.

The clean up process was slow and, quite frankly, lacked effort. It wasn't much beyond streamers being pushed into a corner in a massive pile, and the wrapping paper being taken off everything either in use or within camera view.

For the next few hours, I was bored. Everyone was working. Thankfully, Jerome ended up doing a vlog, just screwing around, not doing much of anything. I made sure to move a few things around when they left for a minute or two to keep things interesting.

By the time it was nightfall, I was starving and bored to tears. No one had food to nick, and beyond making a few mysterious crashes to screw with the guys, there was nothing to do.

After 8, I decided enough was enough and went home and slept, hoping I'd be visible the next day.

~The Next Day~

I stretched as I woke, enjoying the brief moment before I remembered why I was awake so early.

I scrambled out of bed, and raced outside. I shouted, screamed, and danced like a madman. Not once did anyone look over.

Not knowing what to do with myself, I went to the office. As I entered the office, I walked in on Jerome and Alex having a conversation.

"So you're sure you haven't seen Ryan? At all?" Jerome was asking Alex.

"No, sorry Jerome. If I do, I'll tell you, though." Alex reassured Jerome.

"Okay. I'm really worried about him." Jerome mumbled as Alex meandered back to his office.

"Jerome....?" I asked hesitantly. Jerome's head whipped around.

"Tewtiy? Where are you?" He asked.

"Uh, well about that..."

<Time Skip Thing>


"Yeah Tewtiy?"

"I- I think I might love you."

"I think I might too."



"Hey, you're not invisible anymore."

"Oh. Cool"

The ending sucks so much because I had no clue how to end it beyond 'becomes visible' also I've kind of been working on this since September 


also I just noticed that the majority of my one shots have Ryan being really tired at the beginning

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