Greed (?x?)

209 7 10

So you know how I said a while back I wouldn't present anything for the vocab stories in my English class?

well I lied. this is what I wrote

and I have no pairing for this tbh, just imagine what you want

<?'s POV>

The cunning man stared at the exquisite necklace in his hand. It had been quite easy, really. The shop had had few alarms, and when he had left, he made sure that the glass case was intact.

As the man walked down the street, he thought about what had led him to this life of stealing. He thought of his brooding husband, whom he had started stealing for. After the first few trinkets, he contended that he needed more. He threatened to ignore him and to resent him forever if he didn't. Thus his quest had started to appease his husband.

Soon, the occasional stealings had become more frenzied, with the man's husband demanding more and more. His husband was desperate to leave the fertile fields they made their living off off.

The man wearily climbed into his worn-down truck parked on the barren street, and started driving back to his farm and greedy husband.

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