Some Announcements

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Heyyyy friends I've been super dead over the course of this year, and I feel lowkey bad about that.. whoops

But! I'm here! Until July 18th cause I'm going on a cruise to Europe for a week and a day (I'll probably excitedly rant about that on my life book thing)

So I've been doing some thinking and especially after Dan came out recently shipping real life people is something I'm not nearly as comfortable with as I used to be, especially since I've been shipped before and that isn't all that fun. Of course, that was being pushed on me and I wasn't trying to do that in any way but it just doesn't feel right anymore.

So basically I'm going to be going back through and editing or just outright deleting most oneshots that have a shipping romantic aspect. I'm not sure how long this will take or how many oneshots I'll delete!

Well that's all from me today, bye friends

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