Closet Invasion (Nice Posture/Merome)

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<Ryan's POV>

It was so nice of Jerome to invite me up to his house in Jersey for a break while his family was gone... I thought as I grabbed my luggage from the baggage claim. I had texted Jerome when they announced we were landing in 10 minutes, so Jerome should be here soon. I hope this doesn't mess up any plans I had because of my flight being early... I sat down on a bench and pulled out my phone, scrolling though my Twitter.

I was glanced up, looking around for a minute before jumping in shock as Jerome popped in front of me. "You scared the heck out of me!" I gasped. Jerome chuckled.

"That was kinda the plan, Tewtiy. Anywho, let's get going!" I followed Jerome out to his car, opening the trunk and putting my suitcase in it. We drove back to Jerome's house, and started to walk upstairs to put my bag in the room I was staying in. Before I could, Jerome slid in front of me. "Hey, where are you going, buddy? I thought we could hang for a bit, no need to go upstairs!"

"In a sec, yeah. I just need to put my stuff upstairs. I'll be back." I ignored Jerome's protest, and went upstairs. I walked over the guest room that Jerome had showed me over video chat. I set my bag down and took my jacket off. I opened the closet and handed my jacket to Mitch, who was standing in my closet. I closed the closet door, before pausing and opening the door again. Mitch stood there, holding my jacket, grinned sheepishly.

"Hey dood..." I just stood there staring at Mitch. I slowly closed the door again, and backed up slowly, picking up speed as I went. I wasn't looking where I was going, and suddenly felt myself falling backwards down the stairs. I hit the ground with a thump, and I groaned, rubbing my arm that I had landed on. I'd be feeling that for a while.

"Tewtiy, are you okay? What happened?" Jerome asked worriedly as I stood up.

"Jerome, that's not the problem right now! Mitch is in my closet- wait. Why is Mitch in my closet?" Jerome sighed.

"You better come out, Mitchy." Jerome called up the stairs.

"Mitchy????? What's going on??" Mitch sheepishly walked downstairs.

"Next time your flight is early, it would be nice if you told me that."

"But that doesn't answer my question!" I protested.

"Well.... Jerome and I are dating." Mitch admitted. I gasped.

"But Mitch, why are you here in the first place? I thought you were visiting family this week?" I asked.

"Well, that's what I told you and the fans. I really came here to visit Jerome."

As this whole conversation sunk in, I jumped, my inner fanboy coming out slightly. "You guys are dating! When are you gonna tell the fans?! I'm so happy for you!" I jumped around excitedly.

After calming down slightly, Jerome grinned at me. "Do you wanna have some dinner? There's this really good pizza place nearby and it has amazing fries."


After eating, Jerome and Mitch decided they wanted to go out on a walk. They offered for me to come along, but I declined.

I decided to head upstairs to my room, only to hear typing coming from my closet. I grabbed a nearby shoe and held it in front of me as a weapon. I crept up to the closet, and quickly opened the door, and waving the shoe around with my eyes squeezed shut, hoping to hit whatever it was in there. After a minute, I opened my eyes to see Alex sitting on the floor of my closet, staring up at me. "What are you doing in my closet?" I asked.

"Doing work." Alex responded.

"In my closet?"

"Well, I since I was visiting a friend in Boston I decided to come visit Jerome for the last part of my trip." Alex explained.

"That still doesn't explain why you're in my closet though!"

"I wanted to surprise Jerome by hiding in his closet but I guess this is the wrong room." He said.

"Yeah, Jerome's room is over there." I said, pointing in the direction of Jerome's room. Now he'll know how it feels to have someone hiding in your closet. Or I'll mentally scar Alex. Either one.

<><><><><>~ Time Skip ~<><><><><><>


"Alex?! Well this is awkward..."

This one-shot is what happens when I rewatch DS9 episodes. The basic plot is inspired from the episode "Ferengi Love Song" which is a great episode.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this one-shot, and see you later!

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