Just Shirtless Things (Nice Posture & Blackshore)

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<Jerome's POV>

Mitch groaned as he walked into the building with Kyle trailing behind him. "I'm soooooo depressed Jerome. So utterly, completely, depressed. I'll never every be happy ever again!"

I stared him in the eyes. "Do you need a shirtless hug?"

Mitch stared back, then nodded. I moved to take off my shirt, before Kyle butted in. "You can't- it's not- but- no!"

Mitch and I laughed at Kyle's discomfort as we walked away.


I was so hot. Sweating buckets hot. Wasn't there supposed to be air conditioning in here? I pulled off my shirt, sticking some post-it's on my nipples.

Bored out of my mind, I wandered over to Tewtiy's office, who was in the process of taking his shirt off, struggling awkwardly with his arms sticking out.

Before I could announce my presence, Mitch walked in, also shirtless, but with two colorful post-it notes over his nipples. "Hey guys! Whatcha doing?"

Tewtiy's shirt came flying past my head as he cheerfully said "Oh, hey guys! I didn't see you there!" and chuckled at his own joke while he rooted around his desk and produced two sticky notes of his own, sticking them in the same place as Mitch's.

I grinned in return and greeted him. "Hey dude. So, who's-"

Before I could finish my sentence, Kyle strolled in, looking at his phone. "So, I heard there's this grea......" Kyle trailed off when he looked up, before slowly turning around and walking hurriedly out of the room. We all snickered at Kyle's weirded out look.

Goal accomplished

The ending was kinda awkward but whatever

Maybe I might even get another out...?

Probably not lol

Anyway bye

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