Hide & Seek Gone Wrong (Nice Posture)

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Austin wasn't sure how he'd ended up in the walls.

One may think you'd know exactly how, but it's Austin. He doesn't know what he's doing half the time.

They were playing hide and seek, which may have aided Austin's predicament. Austin had ducked into a closet. After sitting in the closet and shoving stuff around, he found a hole in the wall just large enough for him to squeeze through. It was the perfect hiding place.

Now, Austin could've just hidden in the hole and covered it with some boxes or something, but he wanted to be as hidden as he could. So he stood up and shuffled to the left about ten feet. That's how he ended up banging on the wall in front of him, screaming.

On the other side of the wall, Jerome was streaming, having given up quite some time ago. Thanks to his headphones, he couldn't hear anything, but the stream sure could. They finally caught his attention through superchats.

Jerome turned around and took off his headphones, hearing the muffled shouting. "Austin?"

"Hey buddy, can you get me out of here?"

Jerome's shook his head, his mouth hanging open slightly. Only Austin.

idk I was talking with some friends a while back and my brain just went "austin in the walls" so this happened??

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