Closet Invasion (Nice Posture/Merome) (Rewritten)

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original posted: sept 3rd, 2017

this posted: dec 29th, 2018

<Ryan's POV>

I stepped off of the plane in Jersey, my backpack slung over my shoulder loosely. I craned my neck up to the ceiling where signs were hanging. I scanned them, looking for the arrow pointing to baggage claim. After a minute, I found the sign and strolled to the claim, quickly spotting my bright yellow suitcase from all the black ones.

Jerome had invited me to stay with him for a few days at his house to take a break from streaming. I'd set up a few videos to go out while I was gone, but Jerome was going to still stream. Otherwise, it'd be some time off, hanging with my good friend.

I stood near one of the entrances to the airport, hoping Jerome would choose this one to come through. While I was waiting, I glanced down at my phone, seeing a text from my friend Stratton. I texted him back, saying, "y u texting me in class..." Not the most elegant of language, but we didn't care.

I glanced up from my phone for a second and saw Jerome standing in front of me. I let out a yelp and nearly dropped my phone. "Jesus dude, don't scare a man like that!" I shouted.

He grinned. "It's what friends do!"

I shook my head, and followed Jerome as he walked out of the building to his car. He popped the truck and I picked my suitcase and dropped it in. We got into the car and Jerome started driving. We lightly chatted during the drive home, and before I knew it we were at Jerome's house. "I'm gonna go put my stuff upstairs," I said, walking up the stairs.

"Uhh- you don't- you don't have to do that, you could just leave your stuff down here..." Jerome trailed off as I disappeared upstairs.

The room I was staying was actually Jerome's office, but the excessive amount of blankets on the floor was to serve as a bed of sorts. I'd probably end up stealing some more pillows and blankets from Jerome's bed. I opened the closet, tossing my jacket on the floor, where Mitch caught it, grinning. I closed the door before pausing and opening the door again, staring at Mitch.

"Hey dood." Mitch said with a even larger grin. I blankly stared at Mitch before slowly backing up. I somehow managed to fall down the stairs backwards, which was absolutely terrifying. I landed hard on my arm and let out a groan.

Jerome stared at me as I lay on the ground, staring up at him. "You okay?"

I stood up slowly. "Of course I'm okay, but why is Mitch in the closet in my room?"

"Oh yeah, forgot about that... Babe, come out here!" Jerome shouted.

I raised an eyebrow. "Babe?"

Mitch slid down the railing carefully, landing on his feet smoothly. "Next time your flight is early, it would be nice if you told me that."

"That still doesn't explain why Mitch is in my closet."

"Well... Jerome and I are dating." Mitch piped up, leaning all his weight on Jerome.

"I kinda figured that out when he called you babe. Why are you here, though? I thought you were with your family this week?"

"Don't believe everything you read." Jerome grinned.

"Well, I'm happy for you guys. Don't make out too much."

"No promises!" Mitch winked.

"I really want a burrito right now," declared Jerome, marching out the door.


After eating, Jerome and Mitch wandered off to walk around or something like that. I went upstairs to unpack. I shut the door behind me and pulled out my earbuds. Instead of the expected silence of my room, I heard typing coming from the closet.

I opened the closet door again and found Alex sitting on the floor of the closet. He looked up at me and said, "Hey."

"Why.. why are you in my closet?" I sighed.

"I'm doing work, of course." He said.

"But.. in my closet?'

"I was visiting a friend in Boston, so I came here to visit."

"Yeah, but why are you in my closet?"

"I wanted to surprise Jerome by hiding in his closet but I wasn't really paying attention to which room was which." He shrugged.

"Yeah, his room is over there." I said, pointing at Jerome's door. Maybe if he finds Alex, he'll stop people from chilling in my closet. Or, if Alex didn't know about Mitch being here, I could scar Alex. Both sounded pretty good.

<><><><><>~ Time Skip ~<><><><><><>


"Well this is awkward..."

i got really bored and i didn't like how the original was written so i rewrote it and i really like it now

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