High Five (Nice Posture)

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You won't let anybody close
That high five is all you got
Ooh, they keep saying you're the best
You ask and they say, "Yeah"
Ooh, when you add up what is left
That high five is all you got 

Austin walked down the halls of the school, reading the room numbers on all the doors carefully, trying to memorize them while also trying to find the correct room. His footsteps echoed in the long, empty expanse of the hallway, the only other thing to be heard was muffled talking from all the rooms was passing.

It was his first day, and like the idiot he was he had managed to get completely lost looking for his first class. As he was walking, one of the numbers jumped out at him. His first class!

Austin slowly opened the door, walking in hesitantly. "Um, is this Biology Honors?" He asked.

The teacher looked up from his desk. "Yes it is, you're Austin, right?"

Austin nodded. The teacher gestured to the back of the class, saying "You can sit back there, next to... Ryan."

Austin looked at this Ryan person. He seemed to be a sporty person, wearing a soccer jersey and jeans. Several other guys were spread throughout the classroom in similar outfits. Austin set his books down on the desk and quietly sat down. The teacher continued on with the lesson and nothing really happened.

If this was a story, some big, dramatic event would've been the center of Austin's first year at this school. But it wasn't a story, and Austin's first year wasn't really all that eventful.

One thing sort of stood out, however. Ryan, the boy Austin had been told to sit next to. It was a small school, so it wasn't hard to get to know everyone somewhat. Austin never really went and talked to Ryan, and maybe he should've.

Ryan.. he never seemed to be happy. Yeah, he acted like it, but he never truly seemed. it. His smile never truly reached his eyes, and when he was with his friends their conversations seemed... hollow. It was like Ryan had the charisma to make friends, but no actual substance to keep them. His friends plastered on smiles and high fived and all that, but they didn't really connect.

At the end of the school day, Ryan would kind of stand with his hand half in the air and a half smile on as his friends would walk past him, completely ignoring him.

At the end of the day, those high fives and fake smiles were all Ryan had.

yay? writing? what'd you guys think? was it okay?

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