Gingerbread (Austin & Andrew) (Writingmas Day 13)

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"Two strangers wind up participating in a holiday activity together."

Andrew worked at a nice little office, with enough people that he wasn't familiar with all of them, but could get to know them easily enough. The office had decided to host a Christmas party with some activities.

One of these such activities was a gingerbread building competition. Now, Andrew wasn't a very good builder, but he was confident this wouldn't be too difficult. Except for the fact that they were partnered randomly.

"Steve and Ben. Jerome and Blade. Alex and Dasha. Kyle and Mitch. Andrew and Austin..."

Andrew tuned out the rest of the names as he searched for this Austin person. His eyes landed on a enthusiasticly waving man with blue hair and the name tag 'Austin'.

This ought to be interesting.

Ten minutes into building, and Andrew absolutely loved the guy. He was funny, knew how to banter, and sucked at building as well.

At the end, they got last place, but Andrew didn't care. He had a new friend.

yeah so the picture below is from a GS event where we had to build the most structually sound graham cracker house possible

thought it made a good example of what they'd probably end up with haha

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