Best Friend (Ausdrew) (3/3)

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Andrew spun lazily in his desk chair as his computer turned on. As he waited, Austin slowly walked in. "A-Andrew?" He asked, a nervous tone in his voice.

Andrew stopped spinning and looked at Austin. "What's wrong?"

Then Austin spoke eight words that would change everything forever.

"I don't think I can do this anymore."

Andrew's heart dropped. "W-what?"

"I just don't love you like I thought I did. You'll always be my best friend. Anything else.. it just doesn't work for me. Maybe you feel completely different from me, and that's okay because I'm going to go back and visit my parents, figure out my life."

Andrew, without realizing it, had tears running down his face. "When... when do you leave?"

"Tomorrow, at noon." Austin said.

Andrew nodded. "Okay. Okay. Do what makes you happiest, I guess."

Austin merely sighed and walked out of the room.

Noon the next day came all too quickly for Andrew. All too soon Austin was standing in the doorway, staring at the bright yellow taxi.

"This is it."

Andrew's voice broke the silence.

Austin nodded.

"Yeah, it is."

Austin started walking out across the dripping wet lawn as the rain poured from the sky, reflecting Andrew's mood.

"Wait." Andrew heard himself say.

Austin turned for a split second, and that was all it took for Andrew to start crying. He saw the teen who'd brought Andrew into his home without a second thought. He saw the teen he fell in love with, the one with blue hair and chocolate brown eyes. He saw all the late nights they'd spent quietly giggling over funny videos on the internet when one of them couldn't sleep. He saw the man he'd spent countless hours with simply enjoying life. He saw his best friend, his world, his everything.

He saw Austin.

Andrew walked to him and hesitated only a second before hugging his everything one last time, knowing things would never be the same after this. "Best friends forever?" Andrew asked quietly.

"Yeah, best friends forever." Austin broke away from the hug and walked to the cab, placing his suitcase into the trunk and getting into the car. "Goodbye, Andrew." he said before closing the car door. It drove away slowly, and only when the cab was long gone did Andrew say something.

"Goodbye, Austin."

He walked back inside the house, glancing out across the lawn one more time, remembering what Austin looked like as he walked into the door whenever he came home. Andrew shut the door, and was flooded with memories. He remembered so much, he couldn't even begin to list it all off. But most of all, he remembered Austin.

okay so as you can tell I decided to just cut out the part I was struggling with, I really wanted to get this out and I knew it just wasn't going to get written anytime soon.

welp, that's that then. what'd you guys think for my one year special? the hardest part was definitely figuring out the ending. i knew i wanted Austin out of the picture somehow- i tried writing cancer and a car crash, but neither felt right. i think this was a pretty good ending, what do you think?

anyways i hope you enjoyed this. have a good day everyone!

oh my goodness guys

thank you so so so so so so much for 3k (I hit it on the 31st)

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thank you so so so so so so much for 3k (I hit it on the 31st)




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