Feliz (Andrew) (Writingmas Day 7)

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"To impress her, he learns all of the words to her favorite Christmas carol. And he doesn't even like carols. Or Christmas. Or singing."

Andrew didn't really like Christmas, or singing, especially since the Despacito incident. However, this cute girl who worked at his favorite restaurant loved Christmas and singing one particular song as she worked.

It was "Feliz Navidad," ironically enough.

Now, he and the cute girl - named Eliza - were pretty good friends. They'd hung out a few times, but Andrew wanted to impress her. He wanted to use his singing "abilities" to woo her with the magic of Christmas.

It sounded better in his head, but he was too dedicated to back out now.

Soon it was Christmas Eve, and Andrew was ready to put his plan into action. He walked to her apartment and sat outside her door. He knew she was inside, as he had asked, and all the apartments next to hers were empty.

Andrew put on the music and started singing loudly, trying to not be too horrible. He'd put a lot of time into practicing this, after all.

Once the song finished, Eliza opened the door. "Did you really go to all the trouble to learn the lyrics to that for me?"

Andrew nodded sheepishly.

"Well, you're lucky it worked. I hate that song so much."

hey actual writing today!

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