Hate (Austin-Centric)

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Austin scrolled through the comments out of boredom. The fans often had some pretty creative ideas and helpful information.

There were some pretty good suggestions, but then he saw some that made his heart drop.

"Austin makes the streams worse"

He tried to shrug it off and kept scrolling.

"Honestly got annoyed about the chest piece from Austin"


"Jerome. There is a limit to how much an idiot Austin can be. Plz make him stop. He is halting the whole stream......"


"Austin barely talking... This is a cause of concern."

He gained to confidence to go back and read the replies to the first comments.

The first comment.

"That's mean"

"I like Austin"


"You misspelled amazing"

"He's the life of the party."

"Austin is amazing though"

Second comment.

"Same dude, but I still like Austin"

Third comment.


"That's mean...."

"He's just messing around, let him have some fun since he always loses"

"Austin's just being funny. If you don't like it then just don't watch videos with him."

"Austin is wonderful."

A small smile stretched across his face. So many people were supportive, he really appreciated that.

just a short little thing I wanted to write...

I just wanted to say, every single comment in this oneshot is completely real and are comments I found on videos with these actual replies. I wanted to use this to say that Austin is wonderful and we shouldn't hate on him, on anyone for that matter. (also thanks to sky for pointing this out in the first place.)

see you guys later

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