Hidden (Ryan x Steve)

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"So I'll see you tomorrow?"

I was hopeful. Maybe this time. Maybe this time.

"Sorry, got a date with Katia. Got to keep up appearances and whatnot."



"So our one year is next week, want to do anything?"

Maybe this time.

"You know we can't, Steve."


"Where are you going?"

"I have to go hang out with Katia. PR and stuff."

Of course.


"We're on your dream vacation, Ryan. No one knows you're here and the chances of meeting a fan are so low. Can we please go out?"




"Why is there a girl leaving our room? Looking like that?"

"Uh, well, you see, PR thought-"

"It's always about PR, Ryan! Your image! It's never about us."

"Wait, Steve, please-"

"I'm tired of all this crap. I'm tired of hiding. Do you even love me anymore?"


"Exactly. Bye Ryan."

I spun a wheel a while back to pick some ships and this was one I got. I don't ship them, so here this is


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