The Heart (Steve, Matt, Dropsy)

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The sound of swords clanging and shouting stopped as an ear-piercing scream filled the air.

All attention on the battlefield turned towards two teens. They stood on a small hill, hands clasped and raised towards the sky. A shining golden light emitted from their hands, filling the gray skies with gold.

"Please," the young man with a round, jovial face shouted, desperation filling his voice, "We're sorry, we didn't mean for this to happen... We found the heart, please stop fighting..."

Slowly, everyone lowered their weapons, at a nod from the generals. A path slowly cleared between the two sides, allowing the young men to walk through to the castle just behind the battle.

The young men walked slowly to the front gate, and as more people moved out of the way, a pristine marble statue of a lion was revealed. A round hole was visible on the broad chest.

The two teens stopped in front of it and finally released their hands. A blinding light emitted from the small golden stone, and everyone jerked their eyes away.

The other teen, a boy with a longer, wiser looking face, leaned down and gently placed the stone into the cavity. The light faded away, leaving only a small glow. The lion was still, but the gates slowly swung open, revealing the castle.

A girl in a patched up shirt and pants that could have been made from a worn blue gown emerged from where the two other teens had first appeared. Her hair constantly shifted colors as she ran up to the boys and threw her arms around the two. The colors stopped for a second, revealing dark brown, wavy hair to match her tanned complexion.

After a second she broke away from the hug and walked slowly, taking in the castle with wide eyes.

"I'm finally home," she sighed happily

so this isn't really much of anything, i just kinda came up with this story fragment a few days ago and decided to post it


i completely missed the two year anniversary of this account??

like a week before i was like "oh heck it's coming up" but not till yesterday did i realize i completely missed it

oh well

happy two years and 9 days to this account


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