Mall Incident (Jerome, Austin, Andrew)

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Jerome sat in the mall, speaking to his good friend as screaming children surrounded him. They ran around the mostly enclosed area full of colorful structures. Mall playpens- always full of loud children of parents trying to shop. In this case, Jerome wasn't a parent, merely watching some kids for his other friend.

"Yes Ben, you should get raspberries. Austin loves them- hey, let's do a raspberry cake for his birthday next week... Uh- yes, I can definitely cook, what are you talking ab- fine, you're right. Yeah, we can get Steve to bake it. After all, Austin is his kid... right Austin?"

Jerome looked up from his phone at the 3 year old, only to realize he wasn't there. "Austin?" He stood up, walking quickly around the area, but still no Austin.

"Fu-dge!" He shouted, narrowly avoiding cursing in front of the young children. Suddenly, Jerome heard a familiar wailing and rushed towards the noise, leaving the playpen area so quickly he forgot about the other child he was watching- 5 year old Andrew.

Jerome skidded to a halt in front of Austin, who was sat on the floor in front of Sears with a large wet patch on his pants. Jerome quickly picked up the wailing boy. "There you are, buddy. What happened?"

Austin sniffed before speaking. "I had to go wee but wou wooked busy and I didn't wanna bother wou!" Austin babbled, sniffling in between words, lisp evident.

"Hey hey, it's okay, okay? Just don't do it again, okay buddy?" Austin nodded quickly and fisted his hands on Jerome's shirt, burying his face in the familiar smell.

Meanwhile, Andrew was beginning to shake in the play area. He had serious separation anxiety as his parents often left him alone for days on end until he was 4 and social services had discovered him after a concerned neighbor called them. Steve and Kat were his uncle and aunt.

The boy was trembling curled up in a ball as Jerome sprinted into the play area, Austin still in his arms. He gently set Austin down and picked Andrew up, rocking him back and forth until he stopped shaking and crying.

"Hey, let's go home, okay? And when we get there we can eat all the ice cream you guys want." Jerome bent down and picked up Austin with his free arm and started towards the exit of the mall, not having even gotten anything he promised Steve he'd get. The steady footsteps lulled the boys to sleep slowly as Jerome got in his car and drove away.

Bored on the bus trip home so I wrote this..

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