"Kiba, careful you don't get overconfident." Sasuke said smirking. "Just wait. We're going to blow you guys away. We've been training like crazy." Kiba said. "What do you think we've been doing? Sitting around picking daisies? You dont know what training means!" Naruto yelled. Hinata gasped a little but said "Dont mind Kiba. I'm sure he didn't really mean anything by it." poking her fingers together.

"Huh?" Naruto asked. Hinata gasped a little, turned red then just whimpered a bit. Poor Hinata. Choji walked forward but so did Shino. "What do you want? Whats wrong?" Choji asked. They bothed looked down and I followed their eyes to a bug. I widened my eyes a bit and tightened my grip on Naruto clothes. "Thought maybe you hadn't seen it." Shino said. "Huh?" "Didnt want you stepping on it." "Why? You saving it for lunch?" Choji said. "Still scared of bugs?" Sasuke asked in a mocking tone. "Ah, just shut up" I said hiding my face in Naruto back.

"Hey, you guys. You might want to try keeping it down a little. I mean, no offense,  but you're the ten rookies, right? Fresh out of the Academy? I wouldn't go making a spectacle of yourselves. Just cool it. This isn't a class field trip." A guy with silver hair and round glasses said walking up to us. "Well, who asked you? Who are you?" Ino yelled. "I'm Kabuto Yakushi. But really, look around you.  You've made quite an impression." We all looked at the crowd and saw that everyone was staring at us.

We all gasped, realizing this guy was right. "See those guys? They're from the Rain Village. Very touchy. They all are. This exam makes everyone tense, and you don't want to rub them the wrong way right now." Kabuto said. "Uh-uh." Sakura agreed. "You can't help it. I mean, how could you know how things work? You're just rookies. You remind me of myself a while back." He said. "Kabuto. Is that your name?" Sakura asked. "Yeah." He said.

"This isn't the first time you've taken the exam?" Sakura asked. "No, its-.. my seventh" Kabuto said. ...seventh? Well that just makes me feel so confident then... "huh?" Shikamaru asked. "Well, they're held twice a year. So this will be my fourth year." Kabuto said "Wow, a veteran. You must really be an expert by now." Sakura said. "Yeah, sort of." He said.

"Cool! You can give us all the inside tips." Naruto said. "Yeah, some expert.  He's never passed." Shikamaru said. "Well, seventh time's the charm. That's what they say, huh?" Kabuto said rubbing the back of his head. This guy gives me weird vibes, like I see from his headband that he's a leaf ninja, but I've never seen him around before. "So I guess all the rumors about the exam being tough are true. Oh man, I knew this was going to be a drag." Shikamaru said.

"Hang on. Dont give up hope yet. Maybe I can help you kids out a little, with my Ninja Info Cards." Kabuto said pulling out some cards. "What the heck are those?" Sakura asked. "Its hard to explain but these cards  has been chakra encoded with everything I've learned over the past four years. I've got more than 200 of them" Kabuto then leaned down and put the cards on the floor. "So you see, I haven't been completely wasting my time." Kabuto then grabbed a card. "They may not look like much to the naked eye. In fact, they appear blank." He grabbed a card and turned it around to see nothing.

He put the card on the floor and put his finger in it. "Don't want just anyone seeing this stuff." The card then started spinning under his finger. "What are you doing?" Sakura asked. "You see, I'm using my chakra to reveal their secrets, like this, for example." All of a sudden a poof happened and the card now had a map on it. "Awesome! A map! Sakura said. "Of what?" Ino asked.

"It shows the geographical Distribution of all the candidates who have come to take the Chunin exam. What villages they come from, and how many from each village. Why do you guys think they all come here to take the exam at the same time?" Kabuto asked but no one said something. It was silent, but Chojis chewing. "Its to foster friendship between nations, of course. International brotherhood, and all that. And its true enough, as far as it goes." Kabuto said. That makes sense. "But there's another reason." Sasuke said "Yeah. You see, that important thing is that this way, they can carefully regulate the total number of Shinobi that end up in each village, thereby maintaining the balance if power." Kabuto said.

(Y/N) UzumakiWhere stories live. Discover now