"You think it's all about you...you dont know what it means to be a ninja . You think it's a game, huh? Why do you think we put you on squads. Did you consider that question for one moment. Wait (Y/n) did but you ignored it." Kakashi said looking at me. I put my head down and sakura said "I dont know what you mean" "I mean you never realized what this exercise is all about. Not even close."

"What it's about?" Naruto said "yes. That's what determines whether you pass or fail." "But that means..I mean..I wanted to ask you that from the beginning." Sakura said. "Tch use you're head. Four people on a squad. Why do you think we would do that?" Kakashi asked ...teamwork. Naruto yelled "how are we supposed to know why you picked 4 people!? We didn't make the rules!" "Its so basic. (Y/n) has realized it now! What is it, huh?" He asked me and I mumbled "Teamwork.."

"Just working together, that's what you mean?" Sakura asked "that's what I mean. It's too late now but if all 4 of you came at me you might be able to take them. Well, anyway...its over." Kakashi said "You set it up with 4 people but theres only 2 bells. If we worked together and got the bells only two of us can keep them and that would leave to group conflict and the squad would break up!" I said.

"Exactly, I purposely pitted you against each other...I wanted to see if you could overcome that and put the squad ahead of yourselves, but genin should have a natural feel for teamwork. But you never even crossed your mind. Wait no..(y/n) you thought about it but dismissed it ...Sakura, you obsessed over Sasuke, who was gone while Naruto was right in front of you but you wouldn't lift a finger to help him! Naruto, you do everything on your own, everything! (Y/n), you analyzed the situation and came with a solution, which was right, but ignored it because you're afraid to act on you're own. And you Sasuke, thought the others were so far beneath you, were worthless. Arrogance. Ninja missions are carried out in squads. Of course you need individual skills but teamwork is the most essential element. Every shinobi understands this. When individuals put themselves the squad this can leave to failure and death. For example, Sakura, kill naruto now or sasuke dies...that's what happens on a mission." "Oh boy that was really scary" Sakura said sighing.

"The enemy take a hostage and you've got an impossible choice and someone ends up dead. On every mission your life is on the line...did you look at this stone? The names engraved on it. They are all ninjas who are honored as heroes in our village." Kakashi said and naruto said "that's it that's it that's it. Now I now I'm going to have my name engraved on that stone. I'm not gonna live and die like a dog. I'm gonna be a hero! A hero!" Oh naruto...please dont get your named engraved on it anytime soon. "They are...a special kind of hero" Kakashi said "huh? What kind of hero's are they? Come on, tell us!........well well?" Naruto yelled "they're all K.I.A" "ooh. That's sounds real cool" Naruto said " it means Killed In Action, naruto" I said and narutos face changed pretty quick. "This is a memorial stone. The names of my closest friends are engraved here..." Kakashi said. Poor Kakashi... "alright, I'm going to give you one more chance, but I'm going to make it much harder on you. You'll have 3 hours to get a bell. Eat lunch now to build up strength, but naruto doesn't get any. It's your punishment for breaking the rules and trying to eat by yourself. And if anyone tries to feed him... that person will automatically fail.....I make the rules, you follow them. Got it?"

As soon as we got out lunches I open it and looked at it. Heh. "Here naruto" I said giving it to him. "Huh??" He said. Sasuke and Sakura look at me. "You know I usually dont eat breakfast so I'm used to feeling this way. Eat" I said I felt a hand put down my hand so I look and see sasuke putting up his lunch. "Just eat mine" "wait why he can just eat mine" I said looking in sasukes eyes. "If you dont usually eat breakfast that's not good and if he doesnt eat you'll both bring us down" Sasuke said. "Uh um just eat mine" sakura said handing naruto her lunch.

"I'm on a diet anyways so just eat mine." "But isn't that yours Sakura?" Naruto said "like I said I'm on a diet and I dont need at much as Sasuke." Sakura said "I can't though...I mean..my hands..you have to feed me" naruto said making sakura groan. "Hurry up. He can come back at any minute"  sasuke said looking around. As soon as sakura put a piece of food in his mouth Kakashi came out of nowhere "YOU" Kakashi yelled. Oh no. "You broke the rules. I hope you're ready for your punishment." Kakashi started to weave signs and the weather got dark and stormy. "Any last words?"

"Y-you said-d.." naruto started "yes??" Kakashi asked "you said there are 4 of us! That's what you said and that's why Sakura...sakura...fed.." naruto started off making an okay point but he couldn't finish it but luckily sasuke saved him by saying. "We're all on this squad and we're all on it together." "Yeah that's right we gave our lunch to him the four of us are one!" Sakura yelled "uhhhh YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH! BELIEVE IT! THAT'S RIGHT!" naruto yelled kicking his legs around "The four of you are one? That's you're excuse?!....you pass." Kakashi said... heh?

"You. Pass." "What do you mean? How'd we pass?' Sakura asked. "You're the first squad that ever succeeded. The others did exactly as I said and fell into every trap. They couldn't think for themselves. A ninja must see through deception. In the ninja world, those who break the rules are skum, that's true, but those who abandon their friends, are worse than skum."

Naruto and I are really ninjas now, huh? "He is..he's kind of cool, ya know." Naruto said on the verge of tears. "The exercise is now over. Everyone passes. Squad 7 starts their first mission tomorrow" Kakashi said giving us a thumbs up I grabbed narutos hand even though he was still tied up. I had a big smile on my face. "I did it I did it, believe it! I'm a ninja! ninja! ninja!" Naruto yelled "let's go home" Kakashi said walking off. Sasuke and Sakura started to walk off too. I followed them pretending I forgot about Naruto. He started yelling about be forgotten but I turned around and said "just kidding"

I walked over to him and cut the rope.  "Let's go home, Naruto" I said linking my arm with his. We're actual ninjas now huh? This is a big step in our life. Are we ready for it? I looked over at naruto to see him smiling. Yep. We are.

Word count- 2032

(Y/N) UzumakiWhere stories live. Discover now