"DIE" mizuki yelled about to throw a weapon at Naruto and I. We both fell back in fear and tried to crawl away. Are we going to die here? "GUYS GET DOWN" iruka yelled at us so we just covered our heads. I waited for the pain but didnt feel anything so I opened my eyes and saw iruka hovering over us. I felt a tear go down my cheek as Iruka had blood come out of his mouth. We were all in shock at what just happened.

"Why" Naruto asked "Because we're the same. When I lost my parents no one seemed to care..they didnt have time for me. They just forgot I was there...my grades dropped and I became the class clown. I just wanted them to see me and know my name. My schoolwork wasn't good enough to get their attention. So I did crazy things that I had to pay for it, it was hard. I know that's how you feel two feel...you feel lonely and it hurts inside and I could have been there for you more. I let you down, I'm sorry. No one should have to suffer that much...no one should be alone like that.

"Iruka said crying and I was crying with him but that idiot in the back named mizuki yelled "Don't make me laugh! Iruka always hated you two! He was orphaned because the nine-tailed fix killed his parents and that beasts is now inside you! He'd say anything to get the scroll from you!" Naruto and I got up and bolted.

Naruto and I hid behind a tree listening to the sensei's talk. "How. did you know I wasn't Iruka?" "Because I'm Iruka." "You're a fool. What's in it for you to protect the one who killed your family?" I'm assuming mizuki said but we can't see who's talking. "I'm not gonna let a stupid idiot like you get that scroll!" "You're the idiot. Those two are the same as me." "Same?" "Anyone can do whatever he wants once he has the scroll. There is no way that that monster. That Fox Spirit, won't take advantage of the power of that scroll!" "You're right." Iruka said.

I guess it was true all along! So, Iruka Sensei never really cared for us at all... "If he was the Demon Fox Spirit. But Naruto and (y/n) are different! I know that Naruto is an exceptional student. He works very hard, and he's single-minded and clumsy at the same time. No one accepts them, but they knows the meaning of human suffering. (Y/n) is a kind hearted, shy girl who is like her beloved brother. They may not look the same but in the heart they are. They are not the Demon Fox Spirit. They are Naruto Uzumaki and (Y/n) Uzumaki of the village hidden in the leaves"

I started crying like a child but when I looked over to Naruto I noticed he was crying too. "Hmph. You really believe that drivel..Iruka I was going to save you for later but I changed my mind. You're finished!" I need to get up and help iruka! I look over to Naruto but see he's not..here...what.

I heard a loud grunt noise and looked back to see that naruto rammed Mizuki causing him to fly back. I stood up and came out from behind the tree. "Not bad..for a little punk" Mizuki said getting up. Naruto stood tall and brave saying "If you ever lay a hand on my sensei..I'll kill you." "Such big words. I can completely destroy you with a single move!" "Take your best shot you fool. I'll give it back to you a thousandfold" "Let's see you try! Show me what you can do nine-tailed fox!"

I ran to Iruka-sensei "Shadow clone jutsu!" Naruto yelled and hundreds of naruto's apreared. I'm proud of you Naruto...I hope you continue to grow strong. "If you're not coming then we're gonna come after you!" Mizuki-sensei was so shocked and confused, he yelled into the sky before getting his butt kicked.

After naruto destroyed Mizuki-sensei he started laughing and rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry I kind of got carried away..you okay Iruka-sensei..(y/n)?" pfft why are you asking me? I nodded and looked at sensei "yeah... sigh ..Naruto come here a minute. I've got something I want to give you."

Iruka-sensei made naruto close his eyes because he was going to give him his headband. "Sensei, how much longer?" Naruto asked "Okay, you can open your eyes now.......Congratulations you graduate! and to celebrate I have a surprise we're going out for ramen tonight!"  Iruka-sensei said happily. Naruto wasnt saying anything but the look on his face made my heart melt. Out of no where he leaped onto sensei and I screamed "You guys!" "WaH" I said falling on my butt. We were all laughing enjoying this sweet moment.

As we were walking naruto was ahead of sensei and I so I guess Iruka took advantage of the moment. "Hmm...(y/n) now that I think of it more, I assume you actually know how to make a clone but you just fail with naruto." Iruka said looking down at me. I smiled widely and said "Everytime I would make a perfectly fine clone but trip it before you can see it standing" I started laughing while rubbing the back of my head.

He smiles and looked down shaking his head "So you passed a long time ago, heh? You remind me so much of your brother. He's lucky to have a sister like you, (Y/n)" he said ruffling my hair. I looked up at him and gave him a huge closed eye smile but putting a finger over my mouth symbolizing to not tell naruto about me passing before. He smiled and nodded. I ran forward and tackled naruto from behind causing us to fall down. We both started laughing as we layed on the ground.

This was the beginning of our lives.


Word count- 1849

(Y/N) UzumakiWhere stories live. Discover now