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It was raining, the sky was so beautiful, as if a painting every color complementing the other. Matilda peeked from the glass.

"So it is today." She said dozing off. Her heart was bitter, she couldn't figure out the uneasiness. She walked up to the wardrobe. She stared at her red gown the one that fancy her.

Momentarily the flashbacks of Bazel's well built arms and his exposed chest the other day on the mart was strangling her in thoughts

She was daydreaming. Somewhere she felt it was wrong.

"He does that too, he keeps on cheating and I had to pretend that I understand. I had to sit and watch while he plays. I only ask him to treat me like a wife. "She looked around. "All day I work like a maid and at night he tells me I look worse. We were not like this."

Matilda went into the kitchen she looked at the ingredients, "I should start cooking." She wrapped the apron around her waist.

"What is this voice?" She rushed at the door. "I'm sure I heard the door open." Matilda looked at it.

"It might be a cat." She turned to her cooking.

Bazel looked at his watch. He smiled wolfishly. "Today is a big day Morrison, I thought the girl you cheated for might really never even think of other man. How true being said. Its money that smells delicious."

"Everything," he looked at their room. "Will smell delicious." 

He walked in like a wind and escaped like a shadow.

Everything was set. Matilda dolled herself she was at the mirror as she painted her lips in red. She smiled. "It's almost time."

The bell ringed, Matilda hopped like a rabbit she looked elegant with the red dress, hair hanging down her shoulder, all aligned on one side, her beauty bones well exposed. She filled in the air in her lungs as she exhaled. 

"Hi!" She opened the door as Bazel stood there with roses.

"Come in." Bazel looked at her. "You look, stunning."  Matilda blushed. "So do you."

They both sat on the table. It was night, the sky was thundering. The lights went out. "I knew this will happen." Matilda said lightening up the candle.

"Sorry for the inconvenience." She smiled.

"Its better this way." Bazel looked at her.

Matilda kept blushing as if roses to a shinning sun.

"This tastes good. Its been ages since I had a homemade food. I used to cook but only when I felt the need."

"Interesting." Matilda said cutting the steak.

"Life here is just work and work." Matilda said dewy eyed.

"Your husband does not treats you better?" Bazel looked at her.

"This and that." She laughed awkwardly.

"Here!" Bazel gave her his hand.

"Up for a dance."

"I don't know how to dance." She replied.

"You can just follow me."

He opened the volume of his phone.

He held her closer, something about his scent was pleasing. Matilda felt warmer in his arms, it was like a sweet dream she was having.  Matilda stepped over his toes. I'm sorry she said quickly. "Bazel looked in her eyes. "Next time if you step, I will have to carry you in princess style."

Matilda's heart fluttered, it was a romantic night, a candle light dinner beside the window the rain drops kissing the glass. Everything was just like her imaginations.

"You did that again." Bazel smiled at her as he looked in her eyes. Matilda was lost in his eyes. She caressed his face. "Your eyes are so beautiful."

She went closer her breath crashing in his breath. She touched his lips with her finger tips as she looked at them. It thundered again and she hugged him. "Its scary."

Bazel looked at her. "It's going to be alright."

"Let me bring the dessert." Matilda walked inches ahead, she tripped and fell over something. It was too dark to see.

Her heart was racing, her breaths were heavy. She hissed. "It's wrong!"

Bazel rushed to her, "looks like your toenail came off."

"Its alright." she looked at him.

"Its not!" Bazel carried her in his well built arms.

"On the left." She pointed at her room.

"Where is the first aid." Bazel asked.

"In that cabinet." She pointed at her wardrobe. Bazel looked in the drawer. His eyes steadily looking at the letters that were under pile of things.

"Show me!" Bazel looked at her bleeding toenail.

"This will sting a bit." Bazel looked at her.

"Ouch! It does." She smiled.

"That day, it was me who texted you. I, she paused. Tears rushed out. He cheats me with girls, I wait for him till the sun comes up and he shows up giving me the business meetings excuses. I use to doll myself for him but he never even looks at me. I thought he will be mine once we get connected by law, but things changed. I am sure he goes to see Naomi or perhaps Isabelle or one of his ex's."

"What if one of them died already?" Bazel cupped her face with her hands. 

"It would be much better, if they weren't even born." 

Bazel eyes went dark he clenched his fist tightly. 

Matilda looked in his eyes. "I'm sorry." She looked away. Bazel kissed her cheeks. "With me things will be alright."


It was the longest night Matilda had. She woke up, still under covers of white sheet, heart heavy and eyes teary.

"What have I done?" She looked at the window. Holding her head in between two arms. Her tear drops fell over.

"What have I done?"

She looked on her left. "Bazel must have gone by now." She hanged her legs down from the bed as she went inside the shower. Flashbacks from last night gave her mixed feelings.

"I will pretend Bazel and I never walked into bed."

Matilda walked out of the shower, her stomach was empty. She went inside the kitchen.

"You are still here?" Matilda looked at him.

"Breakfast is ready." Bazel's hair wet, shirt still halfway to be buttoned.

First time Matilda didn't had to make breakfast. She realized, he is not a bad choice to dump for.

"What?" Bazel smiled.

"Thank you." She replied and in return Bazel kissed her forehead.

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