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Life is like a garden, we might have to go through thorns to pick a rose. Thorns prick. The fragile skin cry as it oozes blood when it is hurt. Sometimes life is like an enclosed flower. We pollens on the other side wishes to see the sunlight but how odd, things that are meant to reveal on us on time, we want to have it earlier, man is a curious animal, social and ethnic but always have its mouth open for more. But what happens when the rose blooms? colors are displayed the dew lands on its petal like a gentle kiss and when the wind rustles the pollens smile its last breath. On the contrary no one knows what fate awaits for them.

Life is no less than a riddle. We find pieces to fill the missing parts as if we have been set in a puzzle.

We knew what was happening but fate was one good player. We had crossed ways but never had noticed the presence of a wild fragrance. We play innocent to fool others but in the play we both were fools intentionally fooling others.

Zen after that confession had been close to me. Since that day.

It had have put me into well of thoughts.

Was I really prone to the conversation we use to have sharp after midnight?

Was it, that he had been sneaking silently into my head and trying to attempt robbery in my heart.

It could not be like I imagine.

But what other meaning could I extract from his words he had said to me.

"You are special and I mean you cannot be put with others as you stand out by the massive difference which makes you who you are."

It could have been a nice flattery though.

I was caught off guard with the flickering light on my phone.

"I have late classes, we might leave late this evening."

Nice. What else do we need to add to make this wait more tiresome.

I laid back on the wooden bench as I stretched my arms.

"You are so crushing over him."

A recall from this morning routine.

Truth is, I had no idea where my emotions are hiding. I do not feel it. Not atleast when I hear his name.

Life has its own spice. It was windy the clouds were gathering to greet the one that burns bright. I walked down the parking, I had my inner self singing verses of poems creating flow of random thoughts slipping my tongue and causing rhythmic penetrations at the core of my heart. Maybe I was affetecd a little.

There was least bit of crowd to be seen.

I liked it. Having least bit of people around and giving a room to my imaginations to speak.

"She is the. I rubbed my eyes. The one from my department.

From my point, I could hardly see what was going on.

"Why do I have to peep?" I looked the other way.

From the entrance of the parking I saw ofcourse the Zen with that girl.

From the lateral side of my eye I gawked at them.

Zen might not be what he seems. Is what I had in mind.

"She might be his girl crush." I fed some words to my curiosity.

Somehow that picture it stung my eyes.

Again. I was not like I had some feelings in my heart. It was like I had expectations of him being someone different. Yet he was just a mask man. With folded lies up his sleeves. Nothing but stories he had to tell. But for an innocent self I just believed him. For people who lie are in need to be heard as the hurt in their heart wants to be out.

Zen to the very last walked her to the bus. For her surprise if there were not any restrictions he had walked her in to the bus and then to her home station.

He had least bit of humour but was full of actions that could flatter any girl of any age.

After being exposed to his side he had shown to the world. I stood quite, walked the opposite way. I had storms in my heart. I had Why's yelling in my mind. Asking me the same sentence over and over again.

"Was I really your someone special?"

I sat inches away just in case not to get bothered by what I had seen.

I grabbed some pop corns to churn my problems right into my stomach.

I at my very best, tried to ignore his eyes.

But no one could possibly hide from his glossy colored eyes.

"What are you eating?"

"Crappy thoughts." I hissed in the air.


With an arched eyebrow. "This"

"Pandas are supposed to eat leaves." He smiled showcasing his pearls.

I looked at him with "What the nonsense face." I plugged in my earphones before hearing him utter anymore made-up words.

I looked at him as he gave me the hurt look.

"Why does he give me the look? It's not like I ever matter to him?"

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