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"I still can't forget how his cousin insulted me, what's the sad part was even I have to deal with his family problems, she was his cousin I don't have control over her, he did. Its sad he never once insisted to help."

It was weeks since that day but I still had the number she called me from, time to time I would check.

"This is Ann right?" I showed the profile picture on the contact to Jess.

"So she wasn't his cousin but Ann." Jess looked at me.

"He said he doesn't talks to Ann."

"And you believed him?"

"This is Ann right?" I asked Zen.


"She yelled at me! I went with all that and I stood quiet because I thought she was your cousin?" 

"I don't know, what you are talking about!" 

"You know very well what we are talking about."

"I'm busy! I will talk later." That's always been his excuse for running away.

I had enough!


Every day when we had a fight he would come to speak things. I was sitting on a bench, darting in the sky. 

I saw Zen walking to the cafe nicely dressed. Like always he didn't noticed. Looking at him would make me realize how mistakes would eat you. Who was the one he really loved? he said girls are toys. "But I can never play with you." The line itself was so innocent that I believed it. I was stupid to even think out of the box. When do people even admit, just because I do, doesn't mean everyone will. Just one girl and we all suffered the consequences. His ex reflected from his eyes. He was not even himself. He was like a wounded tiger who just wanted a prey. He would kill and kill. No matter how much his palate was full.  

"Where are you?" he texted.

I tossed my cell down. I'm not ready to see you.

He walked to and fro as if he is waiting for someone.

"I should talk things out." I walked ahead and I saw Matilda.

Zen walked next to her to the cafe. I felt weak on my knees. I couldn't believe him. He came out after that. He greeted me and I was too shocked to even reply. "That face, those eyes, those lies."

I sat near the fountain as I bunked my class just for him. My tears would fell. I wiped them constantly. Looking at me cry helplessly really made him happy. I don't remember how many tears I wept for him. 

I told him my destination, I waited for him but Matilda was his first priority.

Jess looked at me, "Are you alright?" 

"I don't know!" I started crying. 

Jess took me to her dormitory. "I am busy, I am going somewhere right now."  Zen texted.

"He looks stupid. Like you know everything and you keep on giving him chances. Why?"

"To tell him! not everyone is a player. People give things and want things in return."

 "This is an outdated excuse. He is a spoiled brat."

"Little if I knew, that I was deceived, I would have stabbed my own heart. He once said, love is not bad, people make it good and bad. Love is forever." I laughed. 

"I went home heart broken, deceived."

"I am going to give your things to friends." 

"You are misusing my silence."

"Huh? I was always here to talk you always had urgent business of yours when we had such moments. Do I look stupid? I mean I am of course if I wasn't blind I would have saved my heart from dying."

"Pick up the call."

I refused to hear him now it was way above the dead line our relationship was cracked I was the one who protected it Zen didn't had to fight for it. If I will go, someone else will fill in the place. They were just getting rid of me.

"My love, you are using my silence." His voice sounded like a hurt person. I wasn't a bad person. I hissed as I cried.

"Why did you do it to me Zen? It was the first time I became weaker in front of him.

"I gave you my feelings and you.. I was wrong you know? everything about you."

He sighed. "I'm sorry." 

He gave me explanations that no body's mind can argue with. He was so good in handling girls.

We fight we made up but this time he had lost all his rights over me.


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