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Isabelle gave her a deadly glare. She had put quite an effort to handle him emotionally. All girls know, men are emotional fools and a beauty above all can make her even more resistless. 

"What for?" Isabelle gave her the signature rude look.

"I don't want to hear you. " Zen didn't even spared her a look.

She walked away, but she was firm she will make things clear, she walked to and fro around Zen. One look and her heart would sweat bullets as she saw Zen and Isabelle laughing, him treating her like an absolute doll. Isabelle and Matilda had current war going through their eyes.

Zen walked Isabelle to the bus like he had been doing. Matilda find her chance and she went for it. They talked. She gave him the evidence and her prayers worked fine. By the end, Zen was convinced that it was just a misunderstanding. Her heart was at ease. But she was down the ladder where she stood for Zen. "Nothing, that cannot be worked out." 

There was a spider who fell from his net, he tried but fell once and he fell many times before he could finally reach his goal. She told herself, what can't win a man's heart? Matilda walked ahead of her was Naomi Wenson, people knew Zen was hanging out with Isabelle. They would make fun. "Aye man! did you saw? Zen got a pretty new girl eh?" They would pass remarks on Matilda. Something in her getup, her sitting made her attractive. Plus point for her height. Sometimes, she got offended when people made a ring from one hand and poked a finger from another hand and moved the finger in and out. She became famous for seen with guys who portrayed her bad.  

That day, Matilda was waiting for someone. She sipped the water from the bottle. Minute after minute she would stare at her phone. She was so occupied that she had less information about her surroundings. She looked at her left. She found someone familiar. "I'm not doing anything wrong." Minutes later, her phone ringed. She picked the call. I don't understand why people would call from inches of distance. The guy hid somewhere near the water tank. Matilda talked to him and after an hour, he had the guts to show when no one was around. "Take it!" They both exchanged glances as if they are speaking with there eyes as wall too have ears. He took a small piece of paper and they accidentally had a skin touch.

"It doesn't matters anyway." Matilda sighed full of sorrow. Zen is already not mine. She regretted, if only that day could reverse.

She recalled her moments. When she would make Zen's ex girlfriend jealous. She took Zen in confidence back then by asking him for permission on every little details. Zen was very fond of this particular action. She missed being called as his wife as they would hand out in his car make jokes of them shopping for their nonexistent engagement. Zen was brokenhearted and she was helping him get back at his ex. She would sit at his bike hold him tight and be sweet with him. They had a bond, Zen would reach out to her in help.

She knew Zen won't last with anyone. That night she wept and begged God to cancel the wedding. She wanted to be there for him, but it was her heart who wept, who wanted Zen. Deep down everything burned her, like every coin has two sides. She wanted to help him so she arranged everything. 

That day when Isabelle disappeared, Zen asked her to do something. She brought him whatever he wanted, complimented him, whatever she hated she still smiled at him she was truly a strong person. Matilda knew Zen, so she made attempts on Isabelle. Finally it was the day. The bride to be, Isabelle, lushed in her curly hair, her hair waved beautifully,  Zen looked sassy in his outfit all his friends were wearing white. Zen was nervous. They all sat in a gathering. Zen waited for her. Matilda was there too. She smirked. A part of her begged to God just let her change her mind. And so the wedding never took place.

Isabelle never had the courage to marry him. She was scared. Zen was pissed. That night Zen called Naomi as he told her about the marriage. She didn't even knew when it was but he sarcastically said. "Things get messed up when people know about and because of their emotions things get delayed."

Naomi was happy she had other belief's she was the type who said, "Nature is the most beautiful organizer, why should we fight for things? when fate has decided it already." 

After that incident, Matilda and Isabelle became friends. Isabelle out of mischief would make Matilda and Zen brother and sister. Matilda would get much teased as she would look at Zen. "It's not right, you know I had feelings for you."

Even with Naomi, she would get close to her by complementing her. That day when Zen made baby expressions Matilda would have her nerves twitch. "I will get rid of all of you girls." 

For a cause Matilda put up with everything. When the rumor of Naomi and Zen went out. She tried to get close with her, by smiling.  That day in girls restroom, Matilda was putting on a lipstick, she purposely laughed at her friend knowing Naomi and Jess were next to them.  Saying a little loud. They are getting late because Zen might be waiting for her.  

When you know what someone thinks of you, it becomes your weakness or your strength. Zen trusted her blindly and no girl of today could ever shake his trust for her.

"Matilda?" Zen brought her back.


She looked at him, without her desperate efforts and prayers she couldn't win back his trust.

"About Naomi." Matilda looked at him. "She must follow you around and tell people you are both dating."

"I don't know." Zen rolled his eyes.

"My friends told me that one of her friend showed her the video's of you two getting engaged."

Zen was irritated. "Shall we stop talking about her? she is just a good friend."

"The seniors are throwing a party, will you be here?" He looked at her with a mischievous smile. 


Zen was mad. "She had been sharing our stuff?" These were the people who were good at gossip. And there were those who were good at delivering. He looked at her texts. 

"I am fine, I talked with my dad. And he helped me."

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