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How am I suppose to get rid of Daniel? Chill Naomi, he can't possibly recognize you. Its impossible. That picture on your display is so outdated.

No one will know, its just in my head. I nodded. It might be the case.

Inside my heart I felt being chased by dark shadows. Somewhere in me, I was sitting at an edge lamenting about things I had wanted to do. But everything in my life came with prices. And every price tag was denoted by heart break. Its not like I want to keep on running, I'm. I paused.

I'm just tired of changing different stations.

I was sitting near the autumnal leaves, they looked like they had finally met peace. 

Frozen but still melted in love.

Again, the same old noise, they same old feeling. I'm devastated and frustrated and I need to stop this. Like they say find a distraction.

I flipped out my phone as I strolled my gallery. Play boy? uh huh? 

Looks do deceive people, I'm sure his heart will be a place where disco lights are running the club. I smirked. 


When I look at the sky, I could do nothing but to praise the actual lover, who has painted the sky so well. I would want to see the chemistry of their love, maybe  love in the purest way do exist.

I walked down the town, earphones plugged, strings on the play. At times I want to live a different life where everything starts from the very first chapter.

"Mom", I said. "I'm home."  I went straight to my bed lazily getting into my comfort. I threw myself worn out of the life without any spice.

I opened my Facebook account. Found him.

"Friend request sent!"

Mean time, I changed into some comfy clothes, went straight out my door to grab some sausages.

I came back, leaned over my pillow.

"That was quick, Zen Morrison."

"Hi" I typed. Maybe, that's outdated. "Hello?"

"Well, hi seems quite moderate, gosh why am I thinking of introductory lines."

"Hi" delivered.

I turned to grab my drink and the notification popped.

"Hi" he replied.

"Whats up!" I typed.

"Not much." He answered.

We talked and most of the times it felt like he was sitting on a bunch of  thorns like a hurt dog waiting for you to get bitten.

"So what is your father's occupation?" he asked.

"Hey have you seen the character Jhonny Bravo? I think what he does is absolutely bravo." I answered.


"So is your father a business man?" He asked.

"Have you ever thought about giving your opinion on something, that is unnecessary to talk about." I said.

"Girl! I know there is something, tell me what is wrong."

"Got to go."

I turned off the phone as I squeezed myself in a small ball. "Father?"

"Its all where I started hating all the men in my life."

It was 3:00am, my eyes would open up with so much cassette rewinding in my head. "Why he had to bring up this topic."

I turned on my cell phone as I recalled leaving him on read.
I Typed.

"I, just hate men, and there is no particular reason."

"There is, so just tell me." 

"Why would I tell you, lol?"

"Isn't it obvious?" he replied.

"All men in my life came, without the intention of ever staying. So you can suppose, my hatred is for life."

They say the night is cruel, it takes away your hidden treasure you thought you could hide from the pirates, but I guess he was not a pirate but an animal who was way clever than I thought I am. 

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