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"We will see about who Zen belongs to."

"You know how his hands feel like? they are manly, you say you are engaged? you must have a ring. Right?"

"Let me show you."

"This one is the iconic one." I showed her. "Many people told me it was so pretty. The next day, everyone was wearing the exact same dupes."

"You talk about the one's that don't even exist. I mean, if you had one you would definately bluff." Engagement? The one that happened in your dreams? Poor you, if that ring only comes out from your dreams." I laughed sarcastically.

"He gave such rings to all of his sisters." Matilda replied.

"Yeah! that's why he gave you a diamond ring. Because you are his favourite sister. I laughed. She was just making herself look more stupid."

"He showers me with gifts, spoils me with so much lovely stuff." She added.

"Uh oh! Just this? I don't even need to tell you." Matilda said.

"Only if there is something to tell!" I laughed my tears out.

"As a friend, oops, as a non existant fiance he lowkey ever does things for you. Tch! You have to come sneak at him, because You are thirsty for his attention. But keep trying. Unless he has me you can never get him, yeah maybe after me. And that is never happening. You are just a pastry that looks appetizing. Don't think of standing on the same line as me.

"We will see who will be the trash in his life." Matilda replied.

I fired at her my head had enough, I was being polite. You come at me with a pistol! I will come at you with a bomb. You cross ways with me to get my man? Bitch you are dead!

"You will always be a second hand trash. Just draw a circle around you and stay in your limits. If you were never insecure you never had to come to me. I never had to go to anyone to tell them to stay away from him, I know about girls who surround him, you are no different. I don't declare a war on them by saying he is my fiance or what else. Because I know, he is already mine. Anyone desperate will make attempts. Like my hubby says. "They can't have me, so they have to put a show. They can't dare to come to me, they come to you. Because you are the one in my heart." I think that pretty much satisfies your fantasy.

"Look what Matilda pretender is saying. I am your what? sister?" My blood rushed with pressure and my veins felt like popping out.

Zen laughed. "You never even called your well wisher a brother." All what I got from Zen was laugh.

If I was at Zen's place I would have set this girl on fire, her limbs chopped into million of pieces. He stood silent when everyone pointed fingers at his girl.

"Why are you sharing our personal stuff?" Finally Zen got serious. Funny part was. He doesn't know who this girl was, who was pretending to be Matilda

How does he know that I am sharing our stuff? I and Matilda pretender knew this. I laughed this time it was a saddest laugh. The seed of distrust was born in my heart.

"I never told him that I shared things."

He called that day. And he made fun of me for being stupid. Simplicity was now a crime. Fighting to claim him also became a grave sin. If not expression and claim he wants what he wanted from me?

I was hurt and this time I was fed up, trying and loving and getting nothing in return. Even when a dog gets the ball, he expected his master to pat his head. Were we even worse than a master dog relationship?

That day Zen was harsh with his words. "I am sorry, I regret it I will never share our stuff." I promised him and I always keep my promises.


The sky was sad, maybe the seasons in my heart was not the same anymore. I opened the volume of the song that was being played at the playlist.

"I wrote him a song. Jess."

"You know he is very lucky." Jess replied.

This time there were no butterflies no rainbows. I was questioning myself. "Let's stop putting effort in something that only hurts."

I sighed realizing when you love something, the desire to have it becomes so strong that it starts hurting you. If it was mutual, these feelings would spark from our hearts rushed to the night sky and like fireworks they would let the world see the magic of amazement. Because love cannot stay hidden, that's part of its nature. When you are in love, you have this urge to protect them, you can't bear to see them hurt, you can't tolerate people looking at them and plotting schemes. You never leave your partner alone because you fight as one with the situation but none of them was happening with us.

I was just a crush, he was bored with.

"I am coming." My phone buzzed.

This time, it was just this smile and no hard feelings.

The sky wept, a drop fell over my cheek. I looked at it. "It's not happening for the first time." These were the heart breaking words I told myself when Andrew dumped me.

"Naomi, this is Zen right?"

"Where did you get this from?" I looked at her shocked.

"I saw it on our university's page. She paused. Oh, this is Zen Morrison."

The guy who held the trophy that day the one who wears this scent was "Zen Morrison?"

I couldn't tell if I was happy or if I was sad. The first time our eyes met, Zen and I. I wondered why I had the same verse flowing out of my lips.

I stood there in rain. I looked at the sky. "What fate have you decided for us?"

We walked in the university, enjoying the weather. My phone ringed. "Where are you?" It was the Fourth time, at the same place I was typing him about my location and he was standing right in front of me smiling."

He stood underneath the tree, something looked different. He had a haircut. And again I fell in love with the same person who already had my heart. It was like I took my heart back and he would steal right in front of me. I stared him as long as I could stare the stars, he looked speechless. My eyes were complaining, if only he could read them. We had many topics and a heart to heart discussion but when we needed it we stayed silent.

"I had no work here, I only came here for you. I came on my bike even in this rain and you always complain." Zen smiled.

"I will say hello to my friends and will come to you."

Zen walked ahead of me. "He has a cute butt." I laughed. "What's that laugh for."

"Nothing!" I suppressed my laugh.

I sat next to Zen. I was never that embarrassed in my whole life. We all were awkward. "I'm doing this for Zen." I told myself.

I walked out from the cafe. This time I have to be clear with what I want.

"I am outside."

"I'm leaving you two. Talk your problems out okay?" Jess said.

It was raining slowly. I looked at Zen. "Give me your hand." He looked at me as he smiled.

He was in an awkward situation. "I'm sorry." I let go of the hand that I had to put effort in holding.

"Will you miss me?

"Is this even a question? of course I will!"

"I will start a new simple life. I will put effort in everything. I will miss you and......" again her! If I do the same with you, tell you I will miss you and someone else too. You will surely get offended. Why don't you understand. Just why don't you love me?

His scent was the same. He was the guy I saw then.

How could it be?

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