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"Why are you telling me this?" I looked at him.

"We will come for you when the time is here. Before that forgive him."

I was a lover, sincere and loyal. When you give crap, prepare to receive loads of shit. He couldn't give love. He can give hate like roses so I will make him hate me even more than he ever received love. He is a man blind in ignorance. And ego's always end in vain.

It was just his time that passed, mine will be a dynasty he will be a peasant in. Every common person will wear the crown before I will choose the real King. Except the peasant. Not everyone gets true love and those who get never cares for it. Just like his ex, then him. Too much feelings wears off quickly. He punished me for his heart. He was never in love. He just treated everyone the victims of his heartbreak. And yet he will never find true love again. 


Hate, one of the things I was exceptionally good at. It actually means caring, not being able to let go. Hate is another name of love. When you say, you hate someone and you have left your past but still have hate for certain someone, you are just telling yourself, this person will be different. People who have seen the fairy like love tale of me and Andrew, knew the dynamic duo we were. We were ordinary but exceptional in love. When he turned against me. For years, I couldn't accept what happened. I use to think over and over again and I would create reasons to make him stay in my mind because two things stay in your mind, the one you love and the one you hate. These two are just edges. There is nothing in between. After years of hating him. I took a deep breath and I forgave him. I didn't loved him, neither hated him after time went by my heart was empty because we only remember what matters. He was a lesson I didn't took seriously so I tried again with a better version of him. And he was busy hating I doubted if he had love. He hated that girl, she mattered. If she didn't it was like any other couple who broke up and moved on, he could have experienced the best of the best love with me. Forgiving isn't easy, it takes a lot courage and a big heart to forgive but just like I once wrote for him. "Once the rider rides down the stream, it's worth a try." I had nothing for Andrew, Zen was my present and my future, he ruined his present by devaluing the worth. Every flower is special though flower is one specie but even roses and lilies have their own unique abilities and they are vastly different.

Jess and I sat on the stairs talking about the sweetest moments we had.

I miss him, like its been years. Being apart sharpens my imagination. How true it is? right Jess. I looked at her? I wish, the gate opens. He comes in riding his bike, in his traditional dress.

The gate opened. It was just the front of the bike. I jumped. "Zen is here." Here words left my heart right in the moment. "He can be someone else." Jess told me. "I swear its Zen." "Don't swear. You know your eyesight is weak."

"Trust me it is him my heart is throbbing. I can recognize him even with my eyes blind."

"What?" I looked at Jess.

"Let's see how much your heart knows."

The bike came in. The owner smiled at me. He lifted his helmet off. Jess and I shouted. I arched my eyebrow.

"I win!"

I looked at Jess. "Do I look okay?"

"Let's go to the rest room instead." She answered.

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