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"Naomii!!!!" Leah called me. It was weekend.

Naomi"I texted Zen."

"And, what?" I choked on my sandwich.

"We talked."

"Cut the suspense and tell me the end!!"

"Well the end part is coming." Leah said sighing.

"We talked last night, it was going fine when I realized what have I done."

"You know it was night and.."

"Carry on with your Indian drama suspense."  I said annoyed.

"I said he is attractive. And I like him." 

"Yes please proceed." I said with my hungry curiosity.

"Why is your cassette repeating the same sentence in new versions?" I said rolling in my place.


"Hold on! say that again!" I said.

"Well so far I'm smelling something exciting." I said feeling the curiosity gathering in my stomach.

"In the morning I told him whatever I said you the last night was just a prank." She said. I paused.

It was like the whole world was put on mute and alone I was hearing the wind rustling.

"Did you had your breakfast Leah?"

"No! I called you the moment I woke up!"

"You are still sleepy." I replied.

"Have you texted him?" Leah asked me.

"Who?" I pretended. 

"You know, what I am talking about!"

"I sent him an emoji."

I wanted to tell her, I was doing this for her sake, for the sake of our friendship! I hate men. I just hate when I realize they exist. Every man in my life was meant to break my heart. The one who brought me in this world and the one I gave my heart to. Even I hate the air I breathe because so many men are breathing in it. I don't even waste my time looking at their faces as it all starts when you look on their face, their eyes. If not for my hero, I would definitely hate all of them. 

In the beginning of when I was getting over, I did everything to console my heart. I played with so many hearts and I left them when I was bored. I don't want to live such life again. It made me lonelier because it reminded me. "Have all the fun in the world but I still can't have the one, I desire, and it made me the only withered rose in a desert." People would fall for my beauty; I did what Andrew did to me to make people feel the pain I went through.  I will never be falling in love again. 

"Never, ever."

"Hello! miss are you there?" Leah repeated herself.

"Yes." I replied.

"What are you thinking."

"Why do I have to text him?"

"I mean." I paused before I started my drama.

"I HAD MY PICTURE ON!" I had cockroaches crawling my spine. "I'm done Leah! I will just kill you!"

She laughed as loud as a cuckoo's cry.

"Did he reply." She asked.

"Like he was waiting for me to approach him." I sarcastically said.


It was again Monday. I wish if we could go back to Sunday. This time I noticed Daniel was darting in my eyes. I felt like squirming in the deepest possible hole in earth. I was getting visually harassed. It was like my organs were placed on a grill and they were being roasted. I had cramps in my stomach. I was not myself. He was like an alpha of a pack, who has just happened to saw his prey and the rest came up with his single call. 

It was the time to redeem for what I had done.

He turned around to scan me. And so did his pack. I felt embarrassed. Guys like these are always the reason why I can't respect them.

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