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"News run faster in psychology department than of a bullet train." Surely, love was singing. It was the second week since the betrayal of Zen. If we were good friends, I would have pulled his leg and hooted at his stories. Whenever, I never wanted to look embarrassed I was always caught staring at him. And his girlfriend giving me a terrible look. People would tell stories of the great beast and his beauty, exceptional. They had nothing much to say if it was not their couple. He was a weird person, went on with telling lies to people he liked them on their faces, just to keep the safe side, he acted like he never said them. Indeed, playboy." 

I walked to the hall. I had left some materiel to collect  that I thought I could reuse. It was rainy, the day looked almost dark. It started pouring heavy rain and I ran to get shelter under shade. It was thundering and lighting and I was a scary cat when it came to such weather. I rushed inside as I was cold, finding my way to the biggest mystery hall. To find a switch felt like forever, so I stayed near the opened door and I realized during class hours it is not allowed to barge in. I heard heavy footsteps getting closer and closer and that's where I called myself very unlucky. I hid behind the seats and I heard the door closing. It felt like another couple had walked in. I prayed to get out quickly as I can and then the worst thing happened. The door banged shut.

It could not be worse than this. I uttered. I heard a sneeze that of a a boy. I was better split into halves. Imagine, Naomi Wenson, caught with a male alone in the hall. No! I nodded, and a sneeze left my mouth.

"Who is there?" He said.

I frozen in my boots, thought, sooner or later it would come. And it did. He walked towards me, I stood up and walked towards the stage.

"Why did you have to shut the door! we are stuck here." 

He dug his hands in the pocket. Pulled out a lighter. Flipped it, a spark rushed out. He lifted the lighter so that he could see the mysterious face. The only words to leave my lips were,

"What the hell?"



"What are you doing here?"

"Dancing" I replied.

"Then I would say, one more time."

"Do not try to talk to me." I said. It was complete silence in the gloomy hall. We both stood silent. He reclined against the door as he started."

"Have you never wondered, what kind of explanation I had for you." 

"Liars built lies, but you are a story teller and cannot expect pieces of truth from the likes of you."

He smirked. "I am sorry, I should not have said it. I was just too angry."

"Anger shows a man's true self. No doubting that."

"Everything can be expected from the famous Zen."

"I have so much to deal with."

"Like your girlfriend?"

"Don't tell me, you too believe in rumors. I have someone else in my heart."

"Oh no, your heart is a hotel with 50 rooms, each occupied with girls. You cannot choose one."

"You know how to hurt someone with words." He said.

"Thank you." 

It thundered again, it was a childhood memory of mine, thinking when it thundered the clouds would fell on our roofs, clouds that were white solid to me. I covered my ears. I felt more embarrassed by imagining his sarcastic face laughing at me. 

The thundering was in a continuous rhythm. Though I loved rhythms, but it was scary. A moment or two. I felt a warm, rough hand with a gentle grip over my hand. I looked up to him. Could not utter any single word. While he looked for distractions on his phone.

"I and Isabelle are not dating and with other girls too, I am just helping them. This is what I meant when I said, you cannot jump to conclusions unless you know the story."

The lighting felt like piercing my ears. Another lie.

"You know."

"What?" Said I.

"I will tell you one true secret."

"About what?"

"I might be the same to everyone. But, I'm not like this to this one person. And she is the girl I love very much. Indeed. She does not even know that. And that's what is me. I do not share my heart with every single one I hang with."

"You do?"

He nodded.

"I'm curios."

"Since, you were very persistent. I told you. Mind keeping the secret?"

"You do not want ladies pulling your hair by this confession of yours? " I chuckled.

It was silence until he spoke again. "Let's suppose. If Zen proposes you in a crowd, full of romantic evening. What will be your answer?"

"Probably another pickup line, I suppose." He arched his eyebrow.
"Alright, I would just ask you. Why of all girls me? And for you to stay put to one girl is impossible. And I do not know what will be my answer. I am moody."

Alright, now back to that, it was just "let's suppose."

I gawked him. Seriously? And he laughed.

"I told you to suppose not to take it as its is actually happening."

"Like I was planning our wedding dresses. Duh!"

"Should I take it as you have forgiven me?" The door opened in a flash. I slipped my hand out from his grip.

And I know he must be thinking wrong right now.

"What are you both doing here?"

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