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Three years later

"Are you excited for University?"

"My heart is just like its chased by mad dogs."

"I mean just look at me. I came out from my hideout looking like this?"

"You decided to change your form Naomi!"

"I know, but- I was never this comfortable before."

 "New look, comes with new personality. So Naomi, I want you to breathe. Just forget your past and start like you are born today."

"Yes boss." I smiled.

 She is Shelley, my friend. We have been friends for the past four years, she has seen different versions of me and I think, this is probably my last.

"Are you ready to kick off your first day?" Shelley asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know? like my best friend is not here and. Its just a challenge for me!" 

"Go like a butterfly, spread your wings, let people see how beautifully you can carry your dreams and. She paused. Watch out for hunters. If you want to get caught, get caught in a prince net."

"You mean watch out for all the puppy eyes. Yes noted."

"Naomi.." Shelley called me seriously.

"I know what happened in your past, it is really in your past and I hope you can start fresh with someone new."

"Got to go, my bus is here." I replied.

"You always hear what you like to. Anyway this year is your year." She yelled.

"Yeah! yeah! that's one nice shot! bye!"

"Its me Naomi Wenson, officially starting my new life. They say when you enter university, you leave with your prom date partner, your future goals, your degree and most of all. Love."

"Love. Hmm?"

"People who have given their all in the first place don't go for things and feelings of the past. And I'm not like one of others, I'm my own kind of ordinary." 

"I don't think it will happen for the second time. Not anymore. And not with a girl who went from doll to ugly duckling."


"Umm? Hey do you know where I could find the schedule for new classes?"

"You mean the one which has everything mentioned?" 

"Definitely!" I smiled.

"You are so cute. She smiled back."

"With the bangs down?" I replied.

"If only you can reduce some weigh.."

"Oh! Thanks for the.. Time table. I won't miss any lectures." 

I think I sounded way too rude. 

I walked to explore the campus where I will be spending some years. I faced the sky, to have some heart-to-heart conversations.

"You are not planning to write a new chapter in my life? right? I stopped. Just don't write anything related to love!" I closed my eyes, I took a deep breath, letting the air clean my heart, my soul and carry away all the impurities that could break me.

I like my new campus! the nature here, the colorful flowers it brightens up my mood.

"Hi! new here? For psychology?"

"Yes?" I scanned her like a guy looking at his crush. "Just waiting for a rescue team to pick me up." I smiled.

"Oh! I am also here for the orientation and guess."

"Hm?" I looked at her in curiosity.

"I'm also in the psychology department."

I looked at her confused. 

"Well, then without any hesitation we formally introduced each other."

"I'm Leah!" 

"I'm Naomi."

"So why did you choose psychology?" Leah looked at me. She was so pretty that sometimes I would feel like fan Girling her, it was weird she approached me first.

I don't have a good history with girls. I'm like an onion, I put people in different layers only special people come close to me. To the very core. Everyone who ever reached there, just left me.

"Hello, miss?" She snapped me out.

"I want to hear people, help them, mend their broken hearts, I want to be a repairer of heart." I replied.

"And you?"

"Someone said I have a strong personality and I should go for psychology."

"That is.. cool!" 

"Hello, can I sit here?" Leah and I looked at a new face. And then we looked at each other.

"Feel free." I replied.

"Are you both here for orientation?" She looked at us.

"Yes!" Leah replied.


"And that's how we three became a trio. Among them I stood out the most. Like a mother duck with two small chicks."

Even when I was with them, I was always lost somewhere in my imagination. I was always left out from the conversation. Because I had better things to think of except talking about boys.

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