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I was home, I couldn't think but to sigh over my own mistakes.

I turned towards my phone as I asked Leah.


"Yeah, tommorow for sure."

"How about we invite Zen and Jayson?" Leah asked.

"How about we make it a girls day out?"

"I told Jayson and he just wants to join us at all purpose."

Well about Jayson, he was the guy Leah thought she had crush on but more like he was like cancer cells that were out numbered.

"You should ask Zen." Leah suggested.

"I don't know, I am shy."

"Oh! Come on you are not going on a date."

"Baby, its called indirectly asking him out." I told her.

"I guess you have no other way."

Yeah, that will be awkward going to and fro with you and Jayson. I do have no other choice.

I was happy and nervous at the same time.

"Are you free Tomorrow?" I typed.

"I had a quiz tomorrow. Why?"
"Oh! Nothing. Best of luck!."

"What's the deal?"
"Um.. We were planning to watch a movie.."

"Oh! I will see my engagements."

"Jayson is also coming."

He left me on read.

"I texted Zen, and he said he will see, but when I informed him about Jayson joining us too he ignored me."

"Things are not good in between them." Leah said.

"How can you tell?" I asked.

"Well you see, I asked Jayson about Zen and he said: he is a womanizer, particularly not good choice to love."

"Tell him to shutup!"

I don't know why I got so angry such reaction was so insane by me. Truth is when you have a liking for someone you can't bear to withstand such accusations about that person.

I was excited. Cause damn, in my heart I wanted this. I wanted him by my side. And to be more selfish, I wanted our hands to burn with the lightest touch of our skin. But more than that I wanted his presence.

I couldn't sleep in excitement. The next day, we went with our regular classes and we went to the mall.

We girls, just went to and fro in shops and had our coffee that was honestly not up to my taste.

"Leah! Shall we go buy tickets, if not we will miss our chances to sit together."

She nodded. "Ask Zen again. My gut says, he is ditching this scene."

"Hey, I was wondering-"

"I'm sorry, I told you I have a quiz so, you guys can enjoy!"

"He is not coming." I gulped down my expectations.

Leah shrugged as in "I knew it!"

What felt bitter than coffee was expecting him. I asked myself, was I too needy? Or perhaps obvious?

I sighed. I cannot change my heart.

"Movie starts at 12:30 pm mam."

"We have half an hour-" and so with mouth full of unspoken words, we saw Jayson, on one of the escalators.

I looked at Leah and I laughed. "Trouble shot is here."

"Hey girls." Said Jayson.

We took the seat in the food court area as Jayson started.

"Well, that is not my space to talk but. Naomi.. Zen is honestly not the right choice, you see he is a player, having crush is fine but be wise, don't take things too far with him."

I was startled as I looked at Leah she gave him the hints of me liking Zen?

I looked at the uneasy look at her face and the way she hit her elbow to Jayson.

Leah's face turned pale. And she was irritated.

"Can we have a minute alone?" I looked at Jayson.

"He is annoying me. Leah had tears in her eyes."

"Look, I understand and its alright. I'm not mad."

"You are not?"

"Yes, I'm not."

We went to have some burger and again, Jayson started teasing Leah. Like a 5 year old.

"I need treat! Buy me something."

"For your information, the ticket you have there is purchased by her." I fired back.

I looked at him how he kept tapping his shoe tip with Leah's snickers.

"Movie time." I said, cause I knew we had to avoid arguments.

He was annoying and all his cool guy image just vanished.

We went on our seats. My eyes were dewy. Again my poor expectations waited at the edge of my eyes as they just wanted to witness a moment of us.

The movie started and I saw Leah and Jayson holding hands. I smiled. Finally things are neat. But at the moment it felt lonely at my heart. I leaned with the seat, eyes closed and a tear rushed out silently.

My phone ringed as I read, "I will come only if you will hold my arm and place your head over my shoulder."

I couldn't expalin the adrenaline rushing in my veins, It was my first time watching movie in Cinema and I wanted my firsts to be with him.

This flirting was cute. But just the thought of it, I was like a shy baby hiding in corners. As I thought about Isabelle I felt awful for making a move.

"In your dreams," I texted.

Half an hour till his last text, he texted again.

"I'm sitting right behind you. And you are laughing."

I turned completely in shock, my heart running wild. And Jayson asked. "What happened?"

"I showed him the text."

"He is playing tricks with you! Trust me Naomi, I know him, he will never come."

I looked at him in rage. This time I wanted to break his jaw.

I kept waiting till the last scene.

As he said. "I waited for nothing."

I felt bad..I came all the way to make memories and things were going unplanned.

Again, Leah and Jayson started a fight. Leah looked at me. "I'm calling my driver." I was hurt, thinking I came here for us to have a girls day out.

"Fine, you can leave. Oh wait! You two stay, I'm leaving."

I ran down the escalator. With tears in my eyes. Everything was going awful. I didn't expected things to go that way.

The hall was big, and I went somewhere to cool my head.

Leah kept calling but I had enough pain from the morning.

I sat in a cafe alone, hurt and crying.

I called Jess. I gulped down my tears.

"Hey, Jess."

We talked and then she said something that proved Jayson's words.

"Zen is here, he went on a date with Isabelle."

"What?" Millions of thoughts pinched me I had no excuses to fool myself. I kept telling myself. He had his reasons.

The last thought I had was. "He had no quiz for her, and for me he had all the things in the world to do. Maybe, I was wrong. I should lock away my feelings or ask him upfront. Its time we make things clear."

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