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"Where is that little plump." Sarah was questioned.

"I-I don't know." Her little hands trembled.

"Will you punish Naomi for stealing?" Sara questioned her mom.

"My Angel!" Her mother lifted her as she placed her on her lap.

"When somebody commits a sin, they are punished. If you tell where she is, I might go lenient on her." Sarah looked at her mom. She pointed. Under the bed.

"I have cookies for you on the table, go have it." Sarah rushed to grab the cookies.

"Come out!" She yelled at her!

Naomi trembled under the bed.

She yelled again, this time it drove her out in fear.

Little Naomi and her two braids.

She grabbed her from her braid as she slapped one side twice and pushed her to the side cabinet.

Her nose started bleeding. Naomi cried. She was on her knees. Her palms together.

"I beg you, in the name of God! Please don't hit me!" A six year old with her small hands. Both begging for mercy.

"You dare steal the food?" She slipped the belt from her husband's hanged cloths.

"Come here! I will teach you a lifetime lesson."

She lifted the belt as she hit her. "Mama!" She yelled in pain. She hit her twice. She yelled out. "Papa!"

"You are a dirty blood that's why your parents threw you here."

"Physical pain could heal emotional pain can never be forgotten as it still leaves scars."

"Please don't hit me! She was on her knees and she bowed down."

"In the name of God! In the name of your children. I beg you." These were the only words she learned.

"Next time if I saw you stealing, I will break you hands."

Naomi bit her lower lip and she cried silently.

In the evening Naomi sat with Sarah on the swing.

"Why did you steal the food?" She looked at Naomi.

"I had haven't eaten for days. When I saw how Aunt fed you. I gulped down my saliva. The monster in my stomach growled."

"Your hair have grown." She touched her braids.

"When I was with my mom, she used to oil my hair and my sister  braided them nicely." Naomi smiled.

"I wish, I had hair as long as you." Sarah replied.

"Will you tell Uncle, what my mother did to you?

"Last time when I told dad, Aunt locked me in one of the horrifying dog cages."

"I will always protect you Naomi." She wiped her tears.

"Mom! I wish if I had long hair like Naomi."

Naomi loved her hair, she had this last memory of her sister brading her hair, the rest she had was taken from her. She hardly managed to comb her long hair and she would only let Bazel braid her hair.

Bazel was Sarah's twin, they both shared deep love for Naomi.

It was cold Naomi was sitting under the shade shivering and her jaw making sounds. Bazel looked at her. He took off his hat as he placed over her head, his right glove and held her hand from the left.

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