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"You are just like your mom! She did me cruel things. You did the same, you pushed me from the moving car so I could die. Naomi smiled. Her face pale and her head bleeding. You people find it pleasing when someone is begging in pain." 

The room was dark, His body was sweating bullets, every second, fear filled in the gun of his nightmares and the body shot beads of sweat as an aftermath. "No Naomi, he muttered! I can't."

"You are just like your mother." Naomi repeated. She looked in his eyes. She held his head, she hissed in his ears. The air puffed. "Like your mother." She laughed and moved in circles. Her hair braided. He hissed something. "What." He paused. "I can't hear you!" Bazel yelled. "He looked at her lips moving. "H.E.L.P M.E" 

Bazel eyes opened. He looked at the clock. It was already morning.

"Again that nightmare." Bazel sighed.

He sat as he looked at the rooftop. He stood up, walked into the shower. The water splashed over his well built muscles. He faced the shower, the water filled in his eyes. He came out. The towel hanged around his neck like a stereoscope. Little droplets sprinkled through his curly black hair. He rubbed the towel on his head. He looked at the mirror as he stared at the scar on his abs.  He smiled. It must have been a childhood memory.

Bazel walked out, he filled his lungs with the fresh air. "I'm home."  He looked at the ever lush greenery he had missed in the foreign land. The ladies looked at him as they laughed playfully. Bazel rolled his eyes. Not everyone was worth his attention.

He dressed himself. "Where are you going?" Bazel stood quite. "You are going to see her after what she did to you?" Not even words, his face became dark. He looked at her mom with much anger. "I'm telling you, this makes her happy. The way you treat your mother." Bazel arched an eyebrow. "Being your son is a nightmare that I can't escape." 

"How could you!" Her mother's curse words for Naomi kept coming out. "You teared us apart. Don't act like you know my pain." He fired at her.

He walked to his fancy bike he covered his face. 8 years it has been. He thought to himself. His heart was thumping.

Bazel stood at the gate as he ringed the bell.

Angela came out rushing. "What a surprise! If you are here to see Naomi then-"

"I know." Bazel looked at her.


Bazel walked in as he closed the gate.

"I." He paused. "Can't face her." He stared in the air.


"I was too coward to ran away. Now I'm here to meet her on her dead bed?"

"Don't blame yourself." Angela patted his shoulder.

"Why is she like this." Bazel asked.

"I don't think she will like me telling her secrets."


"Can I see her room?" Bazel asked.

"Upstairs." Angela pointed.

Bazel walked up to her room.

"Something might have really happened." He hissed to his ears.

He looked at her stuff.

"There it is." Bazel searched through her books.

"These can do." He picked a poetry book. Flipped through the pages. Something fell over his feet. He stared it for a minute and picked it up.

"Like a nightingale he sang. But no one knew the sadness yelling in his eyes." ZXN.

He turned the page over.
"Every time when I smile, its you. Without you, I think I will loose all reasons to be happy again. Zen Morrison."

"If I was Naomi where would I hide. 'Under the bed.' He looked to his surprise and found nothing. He looked at the teddy bear that was resting between two pillows. He picked it up as he smiled.

"She is still the same." He looked close as he found a key on the necklace around the teddy's neck.

"That's a safe place."

He looked at the room keenly. He found it. The box he had been looking for quite a few minutes.

Bazel sat on his knees as he found Naomi's treasure box. Her letters wrapped in blue sheet decorated with pink ribbons. The smell of the perfume was so strong that he could smell it even from a distance. A jacket, a ring and few pieces of paper he found along with it.

He took it as he walked out of her house.

"I have made you some.." Angela looked for him but he was all ready gone.

Bazel drove back home. He went under the tree where they three had spent most of their childhood.

He looked at the stuff he had to stole.

"I hope you will forgive me for this."

He leaned with the tree as he flipped the cover of each letter she wrote.

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