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It's been a year life has been empty, every memory made, hurts. The room where she had been at her most happiest and saddest moments.

"She used to believe everyone. We loved pulling pranks on her." Angela said.

"She had a warm heart she was warm towards everyone. People always came to her as they were fond of her company." Bazel replied.

Angela smiled. "I used to tease her. I bet that she loved it."

"These things." She pointed as she cried hardly. "It has her scent!"

"How was she when she went to college?" Bazel asked.

"She was rude. I must not lie, she believed the person she loves is the most important, our love never mattered to her. It was like it never reached her heart." 

"She went through a lot." Bazel replied.

"Andrew. Was her first love. Sometimes giving too much loves makes the heart weary. He has met his doom. The girl he left her for cheated him for money."

"The other. Angela sighed. He married Matilda weeks after their breakup."

"Can you tell me more clearly?" Bazel asked.

"What's the point? My sister is dead." She cried. "They are living a happy life." Bazel clenched his jaw, balled his fist.

"It's time for the funeral." her mother said from the door.

It was raining, the thundering was so loud that the crows would fly place to place when the sound hit the sky. 

Death does not hurts, what hurts is the memory, the places where you once saw that person become missing. Angela always teased Naomi that her stuff, her clothes nearly everything will be hers. "I was tricked into thinking, Morrison actually loved her. Never in two years he ever asked if she is doing fine." She looked at Andrew. "Why are you here!" Angela yelled at him. "Please, just let me be here!"

The feelings of pain evoke even on the people who were once weary of too much love given. 

Every day, Bazel read Naomi fake things to bring her back, he believed she was lost in her body. He read her poems from Rumi's books. Not thinking they could do. Anything. He was just desperate to hear his name from her chapped lips that were sealed for long.

Time does not last forever and that's the cruel thing about nature.


"Zen! My friends are planning a get together."

"So?" He replied.

"Shall we go?"

"I am busy."

"Then should I go?"

"No!" He said scrolling through his files.

"I can ask them to postponed it."

"Why are you insisting." Matilda knew this look.

"I am not meeting a guy." She defended herself.

"Why should I believe you?" He arched his eyebrow.

"You weren't like this." She looked at him.

"There is a difference between the chemistry of love and marriage."

"I will not go, if that's what you want." She said pouting.


Matilda's life was endless work, before the marriage, Zen told her, he will cook her foods help her in household work. The picture was quite the opposite. Her face aged faster she looked like a wrinkled old lady, her dilemma was work, cook and serve. 

This is not the life I ever imagined.. She had tears in her eyes. 

She made another attempt. She has done before, the deal was, at that time Zen had time now Zen was under work stress a dream he wanted to achieve. 

"We should go shopping!" 

Zen banged the profile as he looked at her. "You really are knitting something in your brain, aren't you?"

"Look at you? This is the girl I married? My friends will be here for dinner."

"I have laundry to do then I have to do other errands too."

Zen looked at his phone, it ringed. He picked it up. "Yes." 

"We got the person who is interested to invest in you."

"Then set my meeting for 9:00 am Tomorrow morning."

"Finally we got a savior who can invest in our business." Zen managed to smile.

Matilda never knew her tricks and the use of flattery and trust can give her such an opposite of the life she imagined. His business was a hit, months when it started but everything changed. Matilda despite of being the wife of a well settled man could not enjoy her time at first it was Zen and his endless business meetings. Matilda grew suspicious every night he came home tired he always had lipstick at his collar. "What is this," she asked him. "I went to drop her home."

"You could have just let the driver do it!" She raised her voice. "What else have you done?"

"What are you saying!" He looked at her. "You wen't to see Naomi right?" He looked at her. "I haven't seen her since the feud." "Liar!" She shouted. "You are one great liar!" 

"I am glad you know that! Now get away from my sight, I am hungry." 

"What is this?" Matilda handed him some letters. "They are old!" he replied. 

"Every night you murmur something! you reek of lies Zen! what have you been up to? Are you cheating me? Who is she?" Matilda took his phone as she opened his phone with his finger print. 


She looked at him. "Why should I give you explanation? You were never like this before!" Zen yelled at her. "You had nothing when girls chased you, when you have everything why not girls will chase you now?" 

"I told you that once I'm married, I will not do such things!"

 "You are always late, I called your office 10 times but they told me you have left hours ago."

"This is your trust? This is why you pulled me into marriage because we had a better understanding?' Zen loosed his tie.

"Time changes Zen, at that time we were just friends! now I'm your wife! I'm suppose to be your priority!" 

"I have to work or do you want us to end on streets?"

"So this means that you will dress yourself in handsome outfits and go to late night events?" 

"Shut up! you mean I am cashing my looks?" He paused. These were the words Ann said and I hated her. Naomi called me universal so I wiped her from my life. "I will call you whatever I like! Trust me these names even feel bad to be compared to you!"

"Forget it! I should have stayed out!" 

"Yeah your another girl might be waiting for you!"

Zen walked down the empty streets.

"I wonder, where she is?" A series of flash reminded him of those days. It has happened every night after the business went up.

Matilda sighed. I could just have a better life with someone else.

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