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"Matilda! have you heard, Naomi Wenson proposed Zen!" Matilda laughed. "Like Zen will marry her. I told you, people like her come in relationships and play no body marries chubbies."

They both laughed, "she should know her place." Matilda's friend provoked her. 

"You two are together, why don't you tell him to stay away from such girls? If you were his wife, how are you even living with this thing." 

"I told you to stay away from Zen!" another message. I looked at it.

I texted Zen! "You should also make them jealous." He replied.

I was targeted. All of them hiding their real identities.

Sometimes, expecting hurts your pride and I did a lot of that. What can be seen can be easily put into a fight. Shadows are not real. I told myself, do not strangle your thoughts.

Zen and I went busier, though we were under the same sky, our time of conversation became lesser than it actually was. I asked repeatedly if I have done something wrong because he always reached for me first. I gave myself reasons that he might be busy. Why was it that he was always busy for me but available for others?

I waited for him knowing it was just waste of time.  About those fake people, I decided to start from the scratch. Zen always showed me the red flag. No matter how much I counted on him and wanted him to take the lead. Maybe he knew, who they were. 

Zen told me he will be spending the upcoming occasions with his family.

"I'm Ann, I just want you to stay away from my Zen!" That was direct. I whispered.

This time I desperately wanted  to know. "What is going on?" I asked her directly. By sharing the screenshots.  

I never trusted her. There wasn't much to trust, because a snake will always be a snake, no matter how many times it shred its skin or perhaps put you into thoughts of misunderstanding. I believed, all the subject of one's intentions is always revealed. The sweet or the bitter way. I hold a grudge to my grave and from there to after world. No one could win from me when it was love not without a war. She was the girl who insulted me. Never in hell I might forget that.

"Is this you?" I said.

"No! I never did this."

She was so much in fond of talking with me. I didn't gave her enough or she hasn't fed me enough poison.

"Take a look at this." She started again despite of me being annoyed. I don't appreciate when I'm dictated terms. 

"Where did you get this from?" 


My jaw dropped. My conscious was right." I recalled a few weeks ago I asked Zen if he is still in contact with Ann and he replied "No."

What a liar.

"I have ended things with him, you see, he is a playboy a guy who does not know how to respect girls." I was hearing her lips oozing with poison. Her snake tongue hissing on both my ears.

She warmed me up in her gossip. I was a book worm, a girl who lived in her four walls an introvert by nature. Less people around, but having a world of my own. I had less experience with real people so I trusted them with lame things. That wowed me and abused my trust. It was like in front of people I was an infant they were trying to buy with stuff.

"You see Zen is the type who can't stay with the same girl for more than a year. Do you know what he says about you?" He says, "A girl like Naomi Wenson? I will love? Don't make me laugh my organs out. If you look at her up close, you will want to puke at how ridiculously ugly she is."

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