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I found that girl, or should I say she found me?

The night was cold, the sky was dusty, the stars were brighter. Alone, but still had the company of million stars hearing him out. Among them was his someone special. Someone he lost.

I hate girls. Venomous and treacherous. Unworthy of love. He sighed.

Life is too hard, especially without you. I still rewatch those scenes you made me see. Years after I could not get its hidden meaning. Now I guess, I know what you wanted to convey.

It's an individual war. I have to be cruel. Nonetheless, heartless like a beast.


The world had its part in it.

Every born boy is innocent.

I was too.

Life had taught me lessons. I had everything. But not what I desired for.

He looked at the sky, he sighed. Legs hanging down the rooftop. Body down in its own misery.

I don't know, how much I should  complain. I only have you. And this girl. He smiled.


He laughed. She is cute.


It's been years since we parted but we are still like we used to be. I still come here nag like I had been doing. Difference is you are abstract. I cannot see, but you can see me. Isn't it unfair sis?

You know I tried to keep my eyes on my business, but sometimes it does not work.

Do you feel lonely? Like I do? Empty and heartbroken too?

After years I'm here with a boy gossip. Not that I'm in love. Neither he is my crush.

We talked, we find each other's tragedies meeting at a point. It was relatable. For the first time I felt this empathy. I felt like I had been there. In his shoes before.

Why am I being attracted to his pain?

Sitting under a sky full of stars, where life underneath is more like a test. I feel the proneness connecting either of us. I need to ask myself this one thing.

"Why do I have to care?"

Nothing but silence accompanied me. Why it is such a complicated question?

Is it. Do I really have a crush on him?

Again silence.

He is a bad boy.

Do bad boys have no right to be loved?

Bad boys are good at tearing hearts, without feeling guilt.

I thought he was too bad to be liked. Every heartbroken person has a story.

Previously, he pricked my nerves. It never happened that in my me time I had to discuss someone. While it used to be me and my sister.

Maybe he had his reasons. We all have our reasons.


This time Zen stalked me to confirm if the girl he talked to was me or someone else. This time it was different. This time we both looked at eachother. And we both knew who we were.

Things might be the same but one thing changed. His image.

It was raining. I stood outside a crowded class, everyone had their umbrella's. Unfortunately not me.

I looked at Zen mesmerizied by the clouds, hugging the sky, and the naughty play of those crystal clear droplets that had jumped from the sky to splash over his fair skin. His long curled lashes that had carried those rain drops with delicacy and fineness. It could not be more fascinating.

My known stalker. We know eachother. Quora is. When is he going to stop tailing me? I sighed.

Reclining my body to the side of the pillar. I gawked him as he went to and fro from the cafe.

This time looking at him was different. When he looked at me. I felt this adrenaline running in opposite directions in my veins. The patterns of my rhythm were different.

"You. Are. Crushing. Over. Him!"

What the.. I said feeling the aftermath of a dropped bomb over my head.

"Leah! I have a chicken heart. Do you want me to die?"

"Who are you staring at?"

"I think its not raining anymore." I replied.

"Oh Naomi! Look Zen!"

"Where?" I turned around.

She looked at me as she laughed. "And you say he is not your crush."

"Definitely not!" I rolled my eyes.

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